dtrueacademy: Restoring Spiritual Education & leading the people back to the Father
dtrueacademy uncovers THE 12 SECRET apostacies of the church
but not without providing THE 4 WAYS OUT as revealed by the Father
a true story
The words of the Messiah:
...Behold, I have foretold you all things.
~ Mark 13:23 ~
Welcome to dtrueacademy
About the academy
I'm Peter Ubaka - having no parents or siblings, the Almighty God (Yahuah) truly became my everything. The duty of the messenger is to speak the word, the hearer decides what they do with the message.
In 2017, I was moved to establish dtrueacdemy as a free school to help restore spiritual education back to common knowledge. This is the common and simple knowledge that God actually exists - and not as some force or energy, but as a personal Father who actually loves us, and who has long opened a pathway via which we could travel, to get to find and fellowship with Him.So I pieced together everything I had been shown from age 8 and basically wrapped it up as an online school of truth called dtrueacademy. dtrueacademy tells a true love story of how a Father was able to reunite with his once-lost children: a story that however has been increasingly twisted and corrupted for thousands of years by Religion. Thankfully, the academy has been stood up by the Father to be the instrument that untangles the twists, and returns spiritual education back to its original height. The academy restores spiritual education (which is virtually lost today), and leads the people back to the Father because indeed: it's all about the Father and His infinite love for His creation.The Father has opened His redemptive love to all the people of the world regardless of race and regardless of whatever evil we feel we might have done because He indeed loves us all the same, we only have to see ourselves as He sees us, and love ourselves as well - enough to return back to His open arms. All are welcome: Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Traditionalists, Cultists, Agnostics and Atheists alike. As long as we have the breath of life in us, the love of the Father is ever available. I may have founded the academy, but I did not author THE STORY OF LIFE. I only speak as the Lord directs me to, so the words of this story are far from being mine.
Not all wrongs - damn a soul
(1John 5:17)
Not all theological fights are necessary - because not all wrong-doings damn a soul. It doesn't really matter that much to the Father that we call the Messiah "Jesus" instead of his correct sacred name (Yahushua), neither does it matter that much to Him that we wrongly believe He made the earth flat: those are all matters of physical (flat) and spiritual (Yahushua) maturity which everyone has time to grow into. We only ultimately stand a chance to lose our assurance of eternal life on the last day - if we add to the above errors: 12 particularly damning beliefs.To tell the whole story, but in the shortest time possible, I have revealed the entire secret using 12 groups of rhetorical questions that interestingly answer themselves, this is to ensure that the reader does not have to do any work whatsoever to grasp what is being revealed. Over 10 thousand days of inquiry has been crushed into this 1 simple page. All you need to do is sit back, relax, and open your mind to sincerely reflecting on these self-answered questions: bearing it in mind that the aim for this disclosure - is not necessarily to cause a divide, or to win an argument, but on the contrary - it is to win-back our souls from the damning consequences of the 12 abominations we all have been taught as a Church: probably since the time we were born.
The 12 apostacies that damn a soul
Nothing man possesses is more important than his soul, so the academy ignores the wrongs that do not damn a soul, and only focuses on matters of life and death, so I beseech us not to take the words of this story for a game. The revelation of the 12 apostacies of the Church rather call for a deep searching of the word, for many secrets have been exposed here which the majority would most likely be hearing for the very first time, hence, most of the words of this revelation would be shocking to hear, and it might even take years for the reader to completely grasp what they would be reading.We're going to be pulling out unbelievable Bible verses most have never come across before. So it is advised that we read slowly, as well as insightfully too, let us also be sure to read to the very end before we begin to pass judgements, lest we miss the message - in our hastiness to quickly draw conclusions. Indeed: life is spiritual, and dtrueacademy tells the true story of this mysterious life that we live. And for easy assimilation, this remarkable story has been divided into 6 major parts:Part-1 reveals how God never really abandoned us (his children) but has been trying to get into our heart
Part-2 tells the true story of the Father's redemptive love
Part-3 exposes how the Church-fathers have for years - twisted this fatherly love into confusion: by introducing 12 soul-damning apostacies into the Church
Part-4 exposes the 12th Apostacy in great detail seeing that it is the foundational and most shocking Apostacy of the Church
Part-5 reveals the 4 ways out of the 12 Apostacies of the Church - as revealed by the Father, and
Part-6 is a bonus part that seals our knowledge by showing us how to escape the matrix for good, and still live a rich and successful lifeWe tend to have more fun when we do things or share our moments with those we care about. So do well to make your stay here fun: by sharing this website with those you love the most. And thank you for staying this long. Yah bless you as you take even more time and patience to read to the end.
Please, proceed to part one:
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How God had long established
a covenantal relationship with man:
using 1 original covenant
that however played out in 4 steps
A covenant is a signed agreement between 2 people, in this case: between God and his children. God did establish a covenantal relationship with us but it actually played out in steps till it became fulfilled in the 4th step after Christ came. This is why Christ said he has come to fulfil the law. The law he spoke of was the law binding the covenantal relationship that had been signed between God and man. Below is the breakdown of the 4 steps by which this covenantal relationship was manifested.Step 1: The Noahic covenant (Gen6:18, Gen9) - This is where God agreed to never again destroy the earth with a flood. And He signed this covenant with the rainbow. The fact that we still see the rainbow today, means this covenant is still in effect.Step 2: The Abrahamic covenant (Gen17) - This is where God agreed to make Abraham the father of many nations (), and he proceeded to geographically position the greatest nation in the land of Canaan. God signed this covenant with the circumcision of our male children.Step 3: The Mosaic covenant (Exo34, 31:14-16, Lev25:2, Ezel20:12, 20) - This is where agreed to FORMALISE His everlasting law for man and for the earth. This law was centered around blood sacrifice and water oblations in the temple of God. And God signed this covenant with the sabbath day: The sabbath day is a day to be selfless, a day to do God's pleasure only (Isa58:13), and a day not to work for money (Amos8:5)Step 4: The Messianic covenant (Jer31) fulfilled in (Dan9:27) - This is when God promised to switch the temple for the body of man so that his law then takes a new home in the hearts of men rather than remain in a temple of stone. With this covenant, the Holyspirit would then be in the very hearts of men to guide us to all truth that has been hidden in the law. And God signed this covenant with water baptism (Mark16:16, Acts2:41, 8:12-13, 18:8).CONCLUSION: The 4 different steps are not 4 different covenants; they are only 4 stages of one original covenant. Hence the next does not replace the previous, it rather magnifies and clarifies it: thereby making the previous more fulfilled. The evidence for this is seen in the fact that we still see the rainbow today, even if we have past that stage of the evolution of God's covenantal relationship with man. This means that the Church is wrong for insisting that Jesus came to abolish the law. For if the Messianic Covenant did not abolish the Noahic Covenant (so that we still see the rainbow today), then it is confirmed that the Messianic Covenant did not abolish the Mosaic Covenant. God is too perfect to be in a business of testing out laws to see which ones work, rather he is revealing one single law to precision as we are able to receive it. Missing this basic truth - is the beginning of the problem of the Church.
The true story
of the 2 types of Christianity
Roman Christianity & Jewish Christianity aka:
The Nazarene Way of Life
So the story begins with the fact that
the faith we call Christianity - did not start off as Christianity as most think, but as a different practice called "the-way-of-life". And the first believers of this way - were not really the Christians of Antioch (as they were derogatorily first called in 40AD) but were actually "the Nazarenes of Nazareth" (as perfected and established with the coming of Christ from 26AD when he was baptised, to 30AD when he died). Before Christ came to fulfil and establish the Nazarene way as the-way-of-life for all men, John the Baptist headed this sect of believers as their leader. Though the followers of Christ were sacredly called ''Essenes'' (meaning ''the pious ones''), and casually called ''Ebionites'' (meaning ''the poor''), the disciples of the way are spiritually and generally called "Nazarenes". The term ''Nazarene'' was the umbrella name for the believers, and all Nazarenes (Essenes and Ebionites) happen to keep the fulfilled law. While the Christians seem to keep no laws, the Nazarenes keep the fulfilled law: this is nothing but the old law: but devoid of its temple sacrifices and oblations).It is at this junction that the reader ought to demand for proof to justify the outrageous statements that have just been made above. Surprisingly, these proofs are sitting right there in the Bible - only waiting for someone to pay close attention. But before we delve into that, we must agree that it is indeed wise for the unbelievers to ask: ''why even believe the Bible? And why must anyone take seriously whatever that book - written by man - has to say?'' This is exactly why I wrote the sister website to dtrueacademy to show that most people who speak about the Bible (even Christians) have absolutely no clue about what the book is really saying. When you read the-114-messianic-prophecies, you join the few who came to understand how the Bible gained veracity a long time ago as the only divinely-inspired document on earth.The secret the world does not want us to know is that ''though the Bible has been corrupted by men, it yet contains the sacred words of the one true God'': not because any mortal man says so but actually because the Bible speaks of 114 specific already-fulfilled prophecies which could never have possibly been fulfilled: except supernaturally. And I have comprehensively documented this information in a sister-website called (the114messianicprophecies.com). It is indeed a beautifully written website (I put a lot into it) - you can click just to briefly check it out. But be sure to return back to it and give it even more attention: after first completing THE STORY OF LIFE which we would be revealing in this home-site.The fact that God yet lurks in the corrupt-Bible is the father of all secrets: as demystified by (the114messianicprophecies.com), but here is the mother: the second biggest secret the world does not want us to know is that ''though today's Christianity can get one saved, it however cannot keep one saved till the end''. And exposing the mother of all secrets in the simplest and fastest way possible is what this website (dtrueacademy) is all about. The exposition would be simple and fast because all the evidences are sitting right there in our very Bibles - only waiting for someone to pay close attention, so let's get started.
Below begins the 17-point biblical (KJV) exegesis that prove the sad inability of today's Christianity to keep anyone saved: TILL THE END.
Matthew 2:23
First things first:
Jesus is not a Christian - he is a Nazarene!
Here's why the faithful ones are called Nazarenes
And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. The word ''Nazarene'' is dual in meaning, it isn't just a geographical term used to describe those who are residents of Nazareth: it's also a spiritual term which even ''watered-down'' Wikipedia recognises, (note that the words in brackets are mine).Wikipedia defines a Nazarene as a sect of Jewish Christians who continued to observe the Torah (excluding blood sacrifices & oblations), in contrast to Gentiles who eschewed Torah observance.
Daniel 9:27
When Daniel was shown what it means
for Christ to fulfil the law without necessarily abolishing it
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (i.e. the Passover week which is Sunday to Sunday): and in the midst of the (sunday-sunday) week (which is Wednesday when Christ died in 30AD) shall cause the (animal-blood) sacrifice and the oblation (the needed water washings and quarantines) to cease,... The animal blood sacrifices were to go away because it was replaced by the blood of Christ, and the oblations had to go away because it was replaced by the gift of the indwelling Holyspirit, (only these 2 laws were COMPLETELY dropped, the rest of the Mosaic law are actually still in action, howbeit - in a renewed form). Consequently, there was found no more use for the temple of stone because the individual bodies of the Nazarenes became the new temple of the Holyspirit and all Nazarenes became ranked as priests.
Ezekiel 36:26-27
When Christ revealed that the Spirit of the Lord
actually inspires the believer to keep the law -
rather than drives them to abolish it
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
Matthew 19:17
When Christ revealed the requirement
for earning eternal life - to be the keeping of the law
... but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
1 John 2:7 and 24
When John made clear
what commandments Christ was referring to for us to keep - as Nazarenes
Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning (i.e. the Mosaic law). The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.
Daniel 9:27
The 3 basic laws all biblical-Nazarenes kept
even after the law was fulfilled
As Daniel was hinted, the Nazarenes rightly stopped keeping the temple laws like animal sacrifices, water oblations and Levitical tithes, but in addition to the 10 commandments (which is just a summary of the 600-plus laws of the Mosaic law), they rightly continued to keep the dietary law (Acts10:14), as well as the feasts (Acts18:21) because these did not require the temple to be kept.
2peter 2:2
The Nazarene-faith is called the way of truth
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Jn 14:6
The Nazarene-faith is called the way of truth and life
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 9:2
Since Paul had not yet founded Christianity at the time,
it becomes easy to see that it was actually the Nazarenes that Paul persecuted
And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
Acts 22:4
The Nazarene-faith is called the way
And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.
Most miss the fact that even Paul was first a Nazarene
All believers were indeed Nazarenes
and they all kept the fulfilled law (the old law but devoid of temple sacrifices and oblations), before Paul twisted the way into today's Christianity using his doctrine of lawless-grace
Even Paul started out as a Nazarene before he started to divide the flock with his doctrine of lawless-grace (notice how he so insisted on compulsorily keeping a particular feast that he even had to sail from Ephesus to Jerusalem - (Acts18:21), only for him to condemn the keeping of the same feasts in (Col2:16) as typical of a hypocrite. The point to note is that Paul actually started out embodying everything the Nazarene way stands for, this was why the ''non-messianic'' Jews derogatorily referred to him as the ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes (Acts24:5).One can easily tell that these ''Nazarene-mocking Jews'' weren't themselves Nazarenes, but rather, they were unbelieving (Pharisee-kind) Jews who did not accept Christ as the Messiah, so once Paul eventually started the corrupting of the Nazarene way to create the false Christian way by telling the people (mostly the Gentiles) not to keep the fulfilled law (the old law but devoid of temple sacrifices and oblations), these non-messianic Jews were oblivious to what Paul was actually doing because they did not even believe that any part of the law (let alone - only blood sacrifices and oblations) was supposed to be put away.The point is that Paul was an unrepentant Pharisee as self-confessed (Act23:6) who had to become a Nazarene to successfully destroy the Nazarene way, hence, why he likes to double-speak (speaking for and against the fulfilled law as it suits his purpose). The point is that even Paul obviously had to first be a Nazarene (those he once persecuted as self-confessed - (Act22:4) before he became a Christian, for to successfully divide a group and conquer it, one has to first infiltrate the group.
________________This is the dark secret identity of Paul which his Christians today cannot see, just like the Gentiles of Antioch couldn't see it too. The Christians cannot possibly see nor believe Paul's true identity even if it is biblically very clear. Many have been chosen, but only a few have been called to see this deep truth. A lot more will be revealed about Paul when we discuss the last apostacy of the Church.
James 2:14-26
written sometime before 50AD
When James admonished the people
not to abolish the lawful works of the Nazarene way:
despite the fact that the law had been fulfilled,
and despite the fact that animal sacrifices and water oblations were no longer required
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?...Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my work... For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
Acts 19:1
Note how Paul was the only 'so-called' Apostle to visit Ephesus
And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus...
1 Timothy 1:3
written sometime before 65AD
Paul - being the only 'so-called' Apostle to visit Ephesus - eventually ignored the words of James in point 12, and began to enforce a particular doctrine upon the Ephesians which we of course know to be the doctrine of 'lawless-grace' as embodied by today's Christianity
As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine.
Revelation 2:1-5
written sometime before 96AD
Father eventually clears all confusion by putting a stamp of falsity on the Pauline-doctrine. He exposes Paul to be a deceiver, and uncovered his doctrine of lawless-grace: to be an apostacy
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write...I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars... (this is speaking of Paul and his top followers who were the only ones calling themselves Apostles even if they were not part of the 12. Paul would later refer to these Ephesians who stood against him as beasts (1Cor15:32)). Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love (the perfect Nazarene way as taught by the 12 Apostles which the Ephesian believers had gotten all mixed-up due to much confusion by Paul's false doctrine). Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works (The INITIAL Nazarene Works Paul was teaching against); or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
Religion is the worshipping of God through man -
The-way-of-life is the worshipping of God through God
Religion tries to reach God by going through mere men, but God has said that ''there is only 1 way to get to him, and that is - through the Messiah: the only one begotten of the Holyspirit''
Hence, while today's Christianity is nothing but a Religion seeing that she listens to Paul before she listens to Christ; the Nazarene way - is not a Religion but is indeed the perfect way of life because she only listens to Christ and to the 12 Apostles Christ established and asked us to listen to.
Christianity is the closest religion to God because it is good enough to spark salvation, but it is the Nazarene way that keeps this fire burning, and keeps us lit and saved to the very end. It does this by inspiring us to do 3 particular works-of-love (thereby saving our spirit, mind, and body) which goes a long way to prove to God that we truly love Him, and that we are appreciative of the forgiveness he has granted us by grace and mercy.
Indeed: Love needs action, trust needs proof, sorry needs change, and change needs ears that listen. Christ in John14:15 said ''If ye love me, keep my commandments''.
He clearly didn't ask his lovers to abolish them.
The 6 indoctrinations that blind believers
from CLEARLY seeing the true Gospel
1) The wrong belief that to fulfil a thing is to put an end to the thing - Christians believe that to fulfil a thing - is to do away with the thing, when the fact is that TO FULFIL A THING IS TO MAGNIFY THE THING BY BRINGING CLARITY TO THE THING ~(Isa42:21) ~ The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable. Magnifying the law then perfects it - hence renews its look. So apparently, the 600-plus laws still stand - but it however now has a new look because the law is now in its Fulfilled, Magnified and Clarified State. Rather than doing away with God's eternal law, we are to get ourselves acquainted with this new look of The Magnified Law.2) The wrong belief that there are 2 disconnected testaments of the Gospel - Christians believe that there are 2 separate testaments of the Gospel (the old and the new) because they mix the words of God with that of man (Heb8:13, 10:9), when the fact is that there is only one testament: the original testament but Magnified, Clarified and Perfected by Christ - hence renewed: NOT ABOLISHED. Both testaments are actually connected as ONE. Here is the simple proof that both the old testament and the new testament are truly connected as One Original Testament. Notice that though the old testament is signified and formalized by circumcision (Acts 7:8), and the new testament on the other hand is signified and formalized by keeping the sabbath day (Exo31:16-17; Ezek20:12), one can yet break the entire Mosaic law (and render the keeping of the sabbath day useless) just by refusing to keep the command of circumcision (John7:23). This is how we get to confirm that the old testament as well as the new - are both truly connected as One Original Testament.3) The wrong belief that the 10 commandments is disconnected from the Mosaic Law - Christians believe that the 10 commandments is separate from the 600-plus old testament laws, when the fact is that the 10 commandments is only the 10-point summary of the 600-plus laws of God. While the one-point summary of the Law in one word: is Love (Matt22:37-38), the 10-point summary or the Law in 10 statements: is the 10 commandments. And just as the one-point summary (love) does not abolish the 10-point summary (the 10 commandments), so does the 10-point summary not abolish the Law itself. The 1-point and 10-point summaries - are all pointing to the same one thing: they are all trying to EXPLAIN, MAGNIFY AND GIVE CLARITY to the 600-plus eternal laws of God - which themselves cannot be abolished, because it is by their very existence - that order is maintained in creation.4) The wrong belief that the office of Apostleship is open to all - Christians believe that the office of Apostleship is ever open to all and that Paul is the head of it, when the fact is that the office is closed at 12 and Peter is the true head hence the greatest Apostle.5) The wrong belief that the works of the law is dispensable - Christians believe that salvation is finished at conversion and so works play no part, when the fact is that salvation must be maintained to the end ~(Matt24:13) ~ But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. To stay saved to the end, we are to employ nothing else but the expected works of love: which is the works of the very Magnified Law the brethren (in ignorance) have agreed is abolished.6) Not understanding that we only need to keep 3 basic laws today: not 600-plus - Christians wrongly believe that the believer are AT EVERY SINGLE TIME required to maintain salvation by keeping all the 600-plus tenets of the law. They have this wrong belief because they do not know that the Mosaic Law is divided into 3 parts: The Personal Laws, The Cultural Laws, and The National Laws. Hence, as long as the believers are not numerous enough to form a cultural cluster (like the biblical Jews did in Isreal), and as long as we're not in political control of our nation (as the Jews once were over Isreal), then there is PRACTICALLY no need to keep both the cultural and the national laws. We're therefore left with only the personal laws - to keep, and the personal laws are simple because they only require 3 things: the personal laws only require us to RIGHTLY keep the 10 commandments, the dietary laws, and the 7 feasts of the Lord.
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

12 Groups of Questions
that expose the 12 apostacies of the 3 Churches:
Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy & Protestantism
1.The Gospel
1) If the Father said He was going to one day magnify the law (Isa42:21); how then did the church get ABOLISION out of MAGNIFICATION?2) If Paul says God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb13:8), why then would he insist that the Law as given by God yesterday - needs to be replaced with a new one today because it is actually faulty (Heb8:7)?3) If the law has been abolished, and if the Church is correct that the grace of the Gospel possesses no law to it, and if we're no longer required to keep the Saturday Sabbath, the dietary laws, the 7 feasts of God, and the law of circumcision (amongst others), what then did Christ mean when he said we should "think not that he has come to abolish the law (Matt5:17)''? And why did the 12 Apostles all COMPULSORILY keep the above laws as respectively seen in (Acts13:42,44; 17:2; 18:4), (Acts10:14), (Acts18:21) and (Acts21:21-24)?4) If the law is done away with (Eph2:15) and we're now meant to follow the spirit (as Christians like to say) rather than follow the law, why then does it say in (Ezek36:26-27) that THE SPIRIT CAUSES US TO FOLLOW THE LAW? And why did (Prov4:2) say good doctrine is that which requires the keeping of the law?5) God made a covenant with Noah (in the Mosaic Law-bound old covenant) not to destroy the earth with water anymore, and the sign of this covenant was a rainbow (Gen9:13-17). If the church says the law is truly done away with - because the New Covenant of Christ abolished the Old Covenant (which is inclusive of Noah’s covenant), why then do we still see the rainbow today?6) If the covenant with Abraham - bound by the sign of circumcision (Gen17:11; Acts7:8; Exo31:17) has also been abolished since it is contained in the Mosaic Law which the church says is abolished, why then does the church ironically still circumcise boys today?7) And if the scripture says: not circumcising our boys is to break the Mosaic Law (John7:23), why then does the church WHICH STILL CIRCUMCISES HER BOYS ON THE 8TH DAY yet claim that the Mosaic Law has been abolished?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Gospels spoken about in the Bible: that of God with law, and that of Paul which is lawless.
The hidden meaning behind the 7 questions:
The Church is the people - not a building one must enter every Sunday
Marriage has always been a family business - not a Church event
Saturdays are not for weddings - Saturday is the Sabbath day
Fulfilling the law - does not necessarily abolish it
There's yet a FULFILLED law to be kept
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in a gospel without laws - is claiming you love your wife or your children but yet refusing to prove this with expected works of love. It is listening to Paul above Christ, and throwing away the eternal life that Paul does not have, but that is rather only present in Christ.
Take your time to meditate on this:
while going through my related Facebook posts
where you can find more info & freely ask me questions.
But it is recommended to read to the end - before opening Facebook posts
2.The Virgin Birth
1) If Christ did not have a virgin-birth, but rather was the son of Joseph (as today's Ebionites and others say), why then was Joseph scared to continue to be with HIS OWN BETROTHED when he realised she was pregnant? ~(Matt1:20) ~ But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost).2) And if the Church is correct that "Yahushua is LITERALY the same person as God-the-Father", wasn't Christ therefore lying when he said only his Father knew the date of his second coming? ~(Matt24:36) ~ But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only). And if he lied back there, how then was he able to yet die SINLESS: for us to possibly be saved today?
The hidden meaning behind the 2 questions:
There's nothing immaculate about Mary like the Roman Catholics think
Only Christ was born immaculately - which qualified him to save us
And Christ is not the Almighty, because God cannot be born
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing that Christ was not born of a virgin - is inferring that he has a human father, and that he therefore isn't qualified to redeem mankind with his blood. By this belief, we rob ourselves of the salvation that is truly only present in the immaculately born Christ.
Take your time to meditate on this:
while going through my related Facebook posts
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1) If the Church is correct that "the number of Apostles isn't supposed to be fixed at 12 but could be any number", why then was Mathias chosen to REPLACE Judas when the later was lost (Acts1:26) instead of carrying on with just the 11 Apostles available?2) If the office of Apostleship wasn't closed at 12, why does the wall of New Jerusalem have only 12 gates - with the names of the 12 Apostles written on them (Rev21:12)? And why does the city have only 12 foundations - with the names of the 12 Apostles written on them (Rev21:14)? And why did Christ say the Apostles would sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel in the millennial reign (Matt19:28)?3) If scripture proves that there is space for only 12 Apostles (Rev21:12; 21:14, Matt19:28), how then is Paul an Apostle?4) If Paul was truly an Apostle, why then didn't he meet Peter's qualification to become one (Acts1:21-26)?5) If Paul was truly meant to become the 13th Apostle to carry-on the Gospel to the Gentiles, why then did Peter contradict him (in the same Bible) by saying "God declared that by his own mouth (Peter's) shall the Gentiles hear the Gospel (Acts15:7)?6) If the church is correct that the word ''Apostle'' merely means ''to be sent out'' rather than ''to be SPECIFICALLY sent'', why then weren't the 72 disciples ''SENT OUT'' in (Luke10:1) equally called Apostles?7) Paul tells his one conversion story 3 times in the scriptures (Acts9:1-19; 22:1-21; 26:13-32), and every time he does, this one story is not consistent. A number of 7 descripancies can be observed in his stories but we can only reveal 5 here. (1) Did the men with him hear the voice according to account 1 (Acts9:7) or did they not hear any voice according to account 2 (Acts22:9)? (2) Did the men with him see the light according to account 2 (Acts22:9) or did they not see any man according to account 1 (Acts9:7)? (3) Did the men with him stand speechless according to account 1 (Acts9:7) or did they fall to the ground according to account 3 (Acts26:14)? (4) Paul claimed that the men fell to the ground too (Acts26:14), but how could Paul have known that the men with him fell too if he was supposed to have gone blind according to account 1 (Acts9:8) and 2 (Acts 22:11)? (5) Did the Messiah ask him to go into the city to be later told what to do according to account 1 (Acts9:6) and 2 (Acts22:10) or did the Messiah tell him straight away exactly what to do, consequently assigning him to be the messenger to the Gentiles according to account 3 (Acts26:16-18)? If the 4 biblical accounts of the life of Christ written by four different men yet aligns perfectly, then why can't one man reporting an event surrounding his own very self - yet get his story straight?8) If God requires the testimony of at least 2 witnesses to establish all things (Deu 17:6, Matt18:16, John8:17-18), and if the Almighty God Himself kept His own law and provided at least 2 witnesses to behold the establishment of the messiahship of His son (His voice representing his personal self as the Father and His dove-form representing his hidden self as the Holyspirit), why then couldn't Paul provide even a single witness (from the crowd of the soldiers who he claimed accompanied him) to testify to the fact that his conversion experience really happened? If Paul himself also agreed that all things must be established in the presence of at least 2 witnesses (1Tim5:19, 2Cor13:1, Heb10:28), why then couldn't he keep his own word to righteously establish his conversion story - but yet expects us to believe him?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Apostleship spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which stops at 12, and that of Paul which is limitless.
The hidden meaning behind the 8 questions:
As the head Apostle, Peter laid down the qualification for Apostleship
The number of Apostles is to be fixed at 12 - not 11 or 13
Mathias (not Paul) qualified to replace Judas
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing that there are more than 12 Apostles - is listening to Paul above Christ, and throwing away the salvation that Paul does not have, but that is rather only present in Christ.
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4.The Calendars
1) If the Babylonian luni-solar calendar used by the Jews (as endorsed by the Pharisees) supersedes the "purely solar one" of God (as revealed through Enoch), why then did Christ choose Enoch's over that of the Pharisees? So that both he and his Apostles ate their Passover (the last supper Matt26:19) a day before the Jews ate theirs (Jn18:28) (even as the Passover of 30AD fell on a Tuesday - i.e. 1 day before Passover on the Pharisee-approved Babylonian luni-solar calendar in 30AD when Christ was crucified)?2) And if the Messiah was prophesied to be cut off (killed) in the middle of the week (Dan9:27) which of course is "WEDNESDAY", how then does Friday become the death-day of the Messiah according to the claim of the Church? Keeping it at the back of our minds that "the sign of Jonah" was the ONLY proof Christ personally gave us for use to validate his messiahship (Matt12:40), and also keeping it at the back of our minds that "Wednesday evening to Saturday morning" is more befitting to be called 3days and 3nights - than "good Friday to Easter Sunday".CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Calendar systems spoken about in the Bible: that of God which compulsorily includes a sacred kind because only by it can the compulsory Feast holidays be kept, and that of Paul which is only secular and can be manipulated by the government of the land since it is only used to track day and night and not sacred holidays.
The hidden meaning behind the 2 questions:
Enoch's 364-day calendar is God's calendar for marking spiritual days
In this calendar, Christ died on a Wednesday and rose on Saturday
This proves Easter to be a pagan tradition
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Refusing to acknowledge the sacred calendar - is listening to Paul above God. It is abolishing the fulfilled law of God for we are throwing away the one key that makes it possible for us to seal our salvation by the keeping of God's laws (precisely the Sabbaths and Feasts).
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5.Speaking in Tongues
1) If the Church is correct that "speaking in tongues is indeed the one expression that proves that one has received the Holyspirit, and that speaking in tongues also - is intricately tied to a Holyspirit baptism, why then did the 12 Apostles not speak in tongues immediately after Christ blew upon them the Holyspirit in (Jn20:22), but instead were only able to recieve it on a later date - when it manifested powerfully on the day of Pentecost (Acts2:1-4)? Does it mean that the Apostles didn't really recieve the Holyspirit in (Jn20:22) but received something else?2) If the people whom the 12 Apostles spoke these tongues to - could hear for themselves exactly what the Apostles were saying (Acts2:8-11) without NECESSARILY needing any interpreter as the so-called 13th Apostle commanded (1Cor14:13; 27-28), how come don't we all miraculously hear our different personal languages when these tongue-speakers of today speak their own tongues? And why do they SPECIALLY need interpreters to make us understand what they're saying?3) And if scripture proves that the gift of speaking in tongues COULD ONLY BE TRANSFERED BY THE HANDS OF THE 12 APOSTLES ALONE (Acts8:18; 6:1-6; 8:5-17) even as proven by the fact that Philip (who was one of the 7 men the Apostles laid hands) - could not himself transfer this ability to the souls he converted and baptised in his evangelic mission at Samaria, but had to send for Peter and John (who had to PAINSTAKINGLY travel from Jerusalem to Samaria to do what Philip seemed not to be empowered to do (Acts8:5-17)), how then did these Christians of today receive their own power to speak in tongues?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Tongues spoken about in the Bible: that of the 12 which is of real languages, and that of Paul which is gibberish - needing interpretation.
The hidden meaning behind the 3 questions:
God's gift of tongues is not gibberish but features REAL LANGUAGES
And it is not a compulsory bestowment on everyone baptised
It is a gift of the Holyspirit given to boost evangelism
But the gift ended with the first-generation believers
Because only the 12 Apostles could transfer it
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in the speaking of gibberish tongues - is listening to Paul above Christ and his 12, and throwing away the salvation that Paul does not have, but that is rather only present in Christ.
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1) If one only qualifies to be baptised because they confess belief in Christ (Acts2:38, Mark16:16), why then do Roman Catholics baptise children who are yet mature enough to be able to choose a side?2) If baptism is from the Greek ''baptizo'' which means TO IMMERSE, and if it is also true that all baptisms mentioned in the Bible are of immersion (John3:23, Matt3:16 and Acts8:38), why then do Roman Catholics baptise people by pouring and sprinkling?3) If scripture proves (as even Paul says (Eph4:5)) that there is only one baptism, and if the baptism of the followers of John the Baptist - who all moved on to follow Jesus - was sufficient enough to not require them to receive another baptism under Jesus (John1:34-42) FOR WHATEVER REASON, why then did Paul turn around to speak about the DOCTRINES of baptism: insinuating that there are more than one (Heb6:1-2), and why did he mandate John-baptised and believing-disciples of Jesus to receive another baptism under himself (Acts19:2-6) which this time - was to cause them to COMPULSORILY speak in his own gibberish kind of tongues that need interpretation (1Cor14:13; 27-28) unlike those of the 12 Apostles which were self-interpreted by the hearers because they were indeed real native languages (Acts2:8-11)?4) And if it is said that the 7 men chosen to be laid hands upon (to impart in them the gift of speaking in tongues of course) in (Acts6:3-5) were actually already filled with the Holyspirit (of course from water baptism) before they were laid hands upon, does it not then imply that water baptism actually automatically ushers the indwelling of the Holyspirit? If this is true, why then does the Church teach that converts need a second baptism called "the baptism of the Holyspirit" to possibly receive the indwelling of the Holyspirit?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Baptism spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which is of water and which ushers the indwelling Holyspirit and is signed by no necessary tongue-speaking, and that of Paul which requires the laying on of hands ''after water baptism'' - to impact the indwelling Holyspirit, and which is signed by compulsory gibberish tongue-speaking.
The hidden meaning behind the 4 questions:
After Pentecost, water baptism began to usher in the indwelling Holyspirit
To qualify for baptism (by immersion) one must confess belief in Christ
A separate Holyspirit-baptism is an apostacy
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in a separate baptism of the Holyspirit that is different from water baptism - is listening to Paul above Christ, and throwing away the salvation that Paul does not have, but that is rather only present in Christ.
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7.The Trinity
1) If Yahushua said his Father (Yahuah) is greater than himself (John14:28), why would Paul say Christ is equal to the Father (Phil2:5-6)? Why would he say Jesus was equal to the Faher in heaven but only took the form of a servant on earth (Phil2:6-7)? And why would he proceed to speak of God as a Godhead (1Cor2:9) even after professing that God is one (Eph4:6)? Why yet speak of a Godhead if God is indeed one?2) If Christ did found the church upon the true confession Peter made about his spiritual identity (Matt16:13-20), we are therefore certain that it was Peter who best understood the person of Christ. So if the church is right that Jesus is the same person as the Father, why then did Peter (whose understanding of divinity had already been certified true by Christ himself) address Jesus and the Father as 2 different persons instead of one, and why did he yet refer to the Father as the God of Jesus (1Pet1:3)?3) If the Church is correct that "God-the-Father is not the same ONE as the Holyspirit: even as He personally confessed to Moses (Deut6:4)", and if the Holyspirit is truly someone different from the person of the Father as the Church claims, why then doesn't the Holyspirit have his own personal name as we see both the Father (Yahuah) and the son (Yahushua) to have?4) And why is he excluded from the greetings in the epistles of the head Apostle - Peter (1Pet1:3; 2Pet1:2), as well as in all the greetings in the epistles of the man the Church takes as the greatest Apostle (Rom1:7; 1Cor1:3; 2Cor1:2; Gal1:3; Eph1:2; Php1:2; Col1:2; 1Thes1:1; 2Thes1:2; 1Tim1:2; 2Tim1:2; Tit1:1; Phil1:3); and (Heb1:1-2)?5) And if Christ was truly God the Father (who alone is all-knowing), when the woman with the issue of blood touched him to get her healing, why couldn't Christ tell who touched him but instead had to ask ''who touched me?'' (Luke8:45-46). How can Christ be God - and not be omniscient?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 descriptions of the nature of God spoken about in the Bible: that of Peter which has the Father as greater than the Son but working perfectly through him (unequal 2 as perfect 1), and that of Paul which has Jesus equal with the Father (equal 2 in 1).
The hidden meaning behind the 5 questions:
The Father is most-holy & also Spirit so he becomes the Holyspirit
God is one person (Yahuah) - who later begot a son (Yahushua)
We don't pray to Jesus, but to the Father - through the son
It's 1God revealed by Yahushua, not 3persons in 1God
Neither God nor man is a trinity
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in the false doctrine of the Trinity - is vexing the jealous God and causing Him to hide his salvation from us because we are sharing his glory with other beings. It is listening to Paul above Christ , and throwing away the salvation that Paul does not have, but that is rather only present in Christ.
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8.The Nature of Man
If the Church is correct that "SPIRIT and SOUL do not refer to the same one thing called CONSCIOUSNESS", and if the Church is right that "man is a tripartite being (simply because God - in whose image we were made - is himself tripartite: as they say), when the Church eventually learnt from scripture that: THE FATHER HAS BOTH A SPIRIT AND A SOUL (Matt12:18) ~ Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom MY SOUL is well pleased: I will put MY SPIRIT upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles), why then didn't they add SOUL as the 4th person of the Godhead so that it now becomes: Father, Son, HolySPIRIT, and SOUL)?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 descriptions of the nature of man spoken about in the Bible: the unequal 2 as perfect 1-type of Peter which speaks of the more powerful spiritual and mental soul (Father) working perfectly through the less powerful body (Son), and the equal many in 1-type of Paul (spirit with soul living in a body) which though should indicate that the innnerman and the bodyman are equal - is yet not a rational concession, seeing that our bodyman is kept alive by our innerman so that - it consequently cannot possibly be equal to our innerman.
The hidden meaning behind the question:
Man is one personal man (soul) - who is reflected as matter (body)
Since the soul is spiritual in nature - soul becomes same as spirit
Man is not 3in1, he is spiritual soul revealed as body
Neither man nor God is a trinity
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in the false tripartite nature of man - is listening to Paul and man above God. It is killing our knowledge of self, and also corrupting the very nature of God in whose image we were formed. By this belief, we lose alignment with the being of God and so cannot establish a good enough hold unto his salvation.
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9.The Rapture
1) If the Church is correct that "the rapture really refers to the taking up of the entire Church into heaven (as Paul said) so they do not see the great tribulation", why then does the scripture speak of the FAITHFUL REMNANTS (Rev12:17) - who are all to be left behind to continue to keep the commandments of God: even after the man child had been caught-up/raptured into heaven (Rev12:5)?2) If it is true that the entire Church and saints are raptured to heaven, who then are these so-called "REMNANT of believers" left behind to give glory to God - even after the rapturing of the man child, and even after the great earthquake of the great tribulation had hit the land (Rev11:13)? Or do sinners give glory to God?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 descriptions of the Rapture spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which only involves 2 groups of 144 thousand people, and that of Paul which involves the whole Church.
The hidden meaning behind the 2 questions:
The entire Church won't be saved from tribulation like the Church thinks
Only 2 groups of the body of Christ have been prepared to be raptured
Every believer should investigate what group they belong to
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing in the rapture of the entire church - is listening to Paul above Christ, and therefore becoming spiritually and physically ill-prepared to recieve the salvation only Christ can give.
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1) If tithes were given to the Levite-priests because they had no inheritance (Num18:24), and to the poor because they had nothing (Deut14:28-29; 16:12-15; Amos4:4; Tobith1:7-8), why then do Pastors with inheritances and even jobs today demand for tithe?2) If Pastors unscripturaly insist that they have today replaced the Levites, why then don't they pay "a tithe of these tithes" they receive to the HighPriest (who today is the Messiah - who is presently in heaven), exactly as was commanded by God for them to do (Num18:25-30)?3) If tithe is SCRIPTURALLY food and not money (Lev27:30&32; Deut14:22; 2Chron31:5-6; Neh13:12), why then doesn't the Church collect foodstuffs today as tithe? And if God himself has commanded that we should not add to, or remove from his word (Deut12:32), who then gave the Church the authority to change tithe from being food to money (assuming they were even supposed to collect tithes in the first place)?4) If the Church is not dubiously ONLY interested in our money, why are the 2nd and 3rd type of tithe (which technically can be eaten by the tither himself (Deut14:28-29; 16:12-15; Amos4:4; Tobith1:7-8) not preached about today? Why do they only hammer on the 1st type of tithe - which used to require 10% to be given to the Levite-priests in the temple (Num18:21-24)?5) And if the tithe of Abraham and of Jacob were clearly voluntary as respectively proven in (Gen14:18-20) and (Gen28:20-22), and if the only compulsory tithe existent is dependent on the same mosaic law (Lev27:30-34) the Church tirelessly insists has been done away with, why then do Pastors still demand for tithes?CONCLUSION: So there are 2 kinds of Tithes spoken about in the Bible: that of God which is basically food to help take care of the needy, and that of Paul which is basically money to help take care of Pastors.
The hidden meaning behind the 5 questions:
It is not necessarily a sin to pay tithes to a Church or to a Pastor
but it is an indirect way to partake in, and encourage sin
because it sponsors the 12 apostacies of the Church
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Paying money tithes to Pastors - is listening to Paul and man above God, and helping antichrists sponsor the 12 apostacies of the church. By doing this, we indirectly relinquish our endorsement for the word of God, the law God, and the salvation of God.
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11.The Ethnicity of Christ
1) If Solomon's wife revealed that she was black (Songs1:6 ~ Look not upon me, because I am black...) and Solomon white (Songs5:10 ~ My beloved is white and ruddy...).2) And if the scripture revealed that King David - the father of Solomon - was white also (1Sam17:42 ~ And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance...).3) And if the scripture revealed that the Israelites were generally white (Lam4:7 ~ Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire...).4) And if the scripture revealed that the Israelites were only categorically white but were realistically olive (Num12).5) And if the scripture revealed that the Israelites overtime - mingled with other races and eventually became a mixed multitude (Exo12:38 ~ And a mixed multitude went up also with them...).6) And if the scripture revealed that out of the entire black race, it was only Canaan (black natives of West Africa) that was cursed - to be a servant of servants - (Gen9:25 ~ Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren...), (Gen9:26 ~ Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant...), (Gen9:27 ~ God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant...).7) And if the scripture describes the risen Christ as having brass skin (Rev1:15 ~ And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace...), why then do the Black Hebrew Israelites insist that Christ was a black man - forgetting that the skin tone of the middle-eastern men are more BRASS than that of the Africans: whose skin tone are more BLACK, also forgetting that the fore-fathers of Christ were themselves not black, and forgetting that even these non-black ancient Israelites had yet mingled with the other races of the world to become a mixed-multitude today?If the above 7 points prove that Christ was neither white nor black but was brass and rather came to die for all the races of mankind, why then do the Black Hebrew Israelites teach that salvation belong only to the Blacks and why do the Mormons teach that Salvation belong only to the Whites?
The hidden meaning behind the 7 questions:
The Israelites (David & Solomon) are realistically olive-skinned
But have become brass-skinned after mingling with the races
The black race is not cursed - only the tribe of Canaan was
Salvation neither belongs to the Whites nor to the Blacks
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Believing that salvation belongs to a particular race because Christ is of that particular race - is diminishing the power and love that inspired the painful sacrifice Christ made to save the whole world from death. By believing this, we become racist and hateful enough to not be able to possibly hold the love, grace and salvation of Christ.
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12.The Divinely-planted False Apostle
This apostacy is so shocking and foundational that:
It would be exposed on 7 levels:
______________1. The ignored introductory backstory of Paul
2. With 13 prophecies - God already did expose Paul
3. In 40 undisputable ways - Paul contradicts God in the Bible
4. What Paul really preaches but yet can't plainly say lest we unmask him
5. Paul is the author of the half-holiness that keeps us from being saved till the end
6. The early-church documents that exposed Paul: as excavated in the 19th century
7. Today's Christianity is Paulainity - since Paul alone commands 10of12 Apostacies
Level 1of7The ignored
introductory backstory of Paul
1) How Jewish spirituality (Mosaism) became compromised (as Judaism) before the birth of Jesus
The original plan of God for the earth is for civil (body) and religious (soul) matters to be coordinated by one law, and God chose Isreal (located at the centre of the earth) to be the model nation whose influence was to eventually spread out into the rest of the world. So Religion and state was to be fused as one and controlled by one law: the Mosaic law, but this plan of God is obviously only going to be possible in an independent, unconquered and uncolonized Isreal.Unfortunately, in the times Jesus walked the earth (born in 5BC), Isreal was under Roman colonisation (as they conquered Isreal in 63BC) and Rome was the authority controlling the civil life of the Israelites but they left the Jewish religious affairs under the control of the Jews seeing that the Romans were themselves pagan sun god worshippers, the jews couldn't however meter out capital punishment, which is why they had to present Jesus to Pontius Pilate the governor - to be condemned, instead of doing it themselves.At the time, the Jewish religion was controlled by a system of government called the Sanhedrin: and this government was headed by the high priest. The high priest is the head of all the priests and by God's directive - he (just as all priests) had to be a descendant of Aaron. The Romans however couldn't possibly let the jews run their religious government unchecked, so they installed a man of their choosing as high priest so they could gain covert control of Jewish spirituality. And this was how the high priest of Isreal ceased from being of the bloodline of Aaron (as it should be), to being Rome-appointed. A man called Annas became the first high priest of Israel installed in 6BC by Rome, rather than by God (Luke3:2, John18:13, 24, Acts4:6).While he served as an illegitimate highpriest, an Aaronic and legitimate Priest named Zechariah (whose wife was also of the daughter of Aaron (Luke1:5) worked under him. This man became the father of John the Baptist: who by right therefore - was to be the last high priest of Isreal before Jesus dissolves the Aaronic priesthood and temple sacrifices with his Messianic covenant (John3:30). Jesus was to be our highpriest, appointed under the order of Melchizedek (which means he did not earn it by blood but directly by God) (Gen14:18, Psm110:4). What are the odds that Jesus would later be baptised by the rightful highpriest of Isreal even if this highpriest wasn't recognised by the religious institution of the time? So we have the last of the High Priest, according to the order of Aaron, baptizing the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek. What a way to signal the transfer of authority from the old order of Aaron to the new order Melchizedek.2) Romans as Edomites, and the true reason why Jesus despised the Pharisees and religious leaders of his time
Jacob (later renamed Isreal) was blessed by the Father to be the lineage through which the messiah would be born, but because Jacob stole this right from Esau through manipulation, Esau swore to forever be against Jacob, even God himself despised Esau because Esau did not see his birth right as a big deal: a bowl of food was worth more to him than to be the progenitor of the messiah. But Jacob showed great reverence for the privilege: enough to scheme to get it. He however incurred upon himself the eternal wrath of Esau, because Esau's children (the Edomites) never forgave him and they vowed to war with the Israelites in general forever (Amos1:11). So even if Esau eventually slept in death, his children carried on this hatred and truly: they will carry it on - even till the end of the days. In other words, the arch enemy of Isreal is Esau. This is why God has promised to cut them off forever (meaning they cannot be saved). In other words, neither the Pharisees nor Rome can be saved: (Oba1:10 ~ For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever).It is secret to many that the Romans are indeed Edomites. So though the Romans were sun-god worshippers (practicing Mithraism), they yet had a personal disdain for both the Jews and for their God. So though they left the Jews to freely practice their faith, they however took covert control of Jewish spirituality - not just by installing anyone there, but by installing their blood brothers: who happen to also be the arch enemy of the Jewish people - who would therefore not need any external motivation whatsoever to see to it that the people of God are surely oppress and spiritually enslaved. So while the people of God were physically enslaved by Edom through Rome, they were spiritually enslaved by Edom through the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Jewish spirituality ceased to be one of righteousness because the pharisees and religious leaders had made it a matter of money, power and respect: by bending, adulterating, washing down, and perverting the law of God to squeeze money and salvation out of the people, and John wanted nothing to do with the Edomite Sanhedrin. This is why John the Baptist secluded himself to the wilderness environs of Isreal (Matt3:1-2, Isa40:3). John was the destined forerunner of Christ (Mal3:1). So he did not only teach the people Mosaism, he also prepared them for the coming of the Messianic covenant by being the one to introduce water baptism. Those who followed John became the group we call the Essenes.3) Why the Pharisees hated the law, but yet did not want the Levitical priesthood to end
By the time Jesus was born, 2 very influential groups had arisen within the Sanhedrin. They were the pharisees and the Sadducees. To be a Sadducee is to be a less radical, more politically inclined and hence more wealthy pharisee, and to be a pharisee was to hold 3 offices as one, a pharisee was actually a minister, a teacher and a lawyer all in one, hence, their words were held with higher esteem (than those of the Sadducees) by the Israelites back in the day when it came to matters concerning faith. But the religious leaders saw no need to uphold the righteousness of the law seeing that they themselves were not there as true bloodline Jews nor were they interested in anything that wouldn't put money in their pocket.The religious leaders therefore grew to despise the law of God, they hated the law of God because it gave the Jews too much liberty and window space for prosperity, and it reduced how much they could gain from the masses. This is why Jesus hated the Pharisees and the Sadducees to his bones and reserved the best of his woes for them (Matt23, 3:7, 12:22-45). He never for once hid his hatred for the religious leaders of his time but warned the people to exceed them in righteousness if they were to possibly enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt5:20).
4) As Mosaism - the Law is liberty, but as Judaism - the Law is a burden
Contrary to what Roman Christians today think, the law indeed ensured freedom, independence and equality. The law stated among other things that all are equal and that no one person may oppress and exploit another, that all have right to be free and to be independent masters of their own fate. It was their constitution and bill of right. For example, every person is entitled as a matter of right to social security. This means that people are entitled to be supported by the community not only when they fall on hard times but also to maintain their independence as independent breadwinners of their family. The community had to provide backup funds to those who needed them and they had to be provided as and when required to prevent people from being exploited through their needs, these funds had to be provided without charging interests and such loans were cancelled every 7th year if the borrower had been unable to pay them (Deut15, Exo21:2-6, Lev25:39-41, Jer34:14). The countless wealth (and this applies particularly to productive capital) belonged equally to all and had to be shared among everyone. This equal and fair distribution of the communities wealth were to be updated at regular intervals and the role of those who were rich seemed to be to help the poor and not to keep getting richer at the expense of the poor (poor tithe: (Deut14:28-29, 16:12-15, Amos4:4, Tobith1:7-8). These are some of the many liberating mandates embodied by the mosaic law and these are the laws the religious leaders (who had to get rich) detested and changed to favour themselves thereby exploiting the people and getting rich off their oppression.5) God's Mosaism vs the Judaism of the Pharisees
The Edomite scribes had also edited the law overtime to suit their selfish desires by putting unwarranted emphasis on sacrifices of materials for remission of sins and thereby making the law spiritually and financially burdensome for the people to keep. Their version of the law became what we call Judaism today. But Jesus rather called this version of the law: vain traditions of men. So the religion we know as Judaism today does not really reflect what God intended for the Jews as encapsulated in the Mosaic covenant, Judaism is rather a corrupt version of Mosaism and Jesus calls it: mere traditions and commandments of men (Matt15:9). Hence, what we know as Judaism is a commandment of men, that of God is however called Mosaism. If you've ever wondered why Jesus hated the Pharisees even if they were known to be zealous for the law, this is the reason: they were not zealous for the law of Mosaism but for the law of Judaism, and these are 2 completely different things.By the time Jesus began his ministry at age 30 (26AD), Mosaism had greatly been compromised to an unbearable extent so that Jesus tried to reinstate the true intent and purpose of the law as Mosaism and have them applied correctly, this is exactly why both the Edomite religious government and the rich and powerful of the land rose against him and his true teachings of the law. So just like they rose against John the Baptist for teaching Mosaism, they rose against Jesus for doing same, hence it is clear that truly, Christ never came to do away with the law (Matt5:17), and this is where Paul come in.6) Paul enters the scene
Paul’s father was a man of Jewish/Edomite blood but living in Tarsus, a city of rich people which was the capital of Cicilia-a roman province in the southeast of Asia minor. Tarsus was the seat of a famous university higher in reputation than the university of Athens and Alexandria-the only other that then existed. Paul’s father was married to a roman woman who was a roman government official so Paul’s father was both a Jew and yet a roman citizen, he might have bought or won this privilege by a distinguished service to the roman empire or acquired it in several other ways. Tarsus was where Paul was born making him a free born (Acts23:28) and a full citizen of Rome but possessing a dual citizenship with Isreal too because he had Jewish blood of the tribe of Benjamin (Phil3:9). So this is why Paul can both claim a jew (Acts22:3) and also a roman (Acts25:9-16, 22:25).Paul was born at about the same time as Jesus and his birth name was not Paul but Saul which in Hebrew means "underworld". He clearly had ties and relations with the noble families and Herodians (the politicians) (Rom16:7, 11-12, 21), and he spent his youth in tarsus doubtless enjoying the best of education. He learnt the trade of making tents from goat skin- a trade which was one of the commonest in tarsus.7) Paul is sent to Jerusalem
He was later sent to Jerusalem to become a Pharisee. He became a pupil of Gamaliel (Acts22:3), Gamaliel was the grandson of Hillel (who Christ would have probably engaged at 12 when he did amaze the religious leaders with his wisdom (Luke2:46-47) and he was the leader of the whole Pharisee party then so Paul was having the best of education even there in Jerusalem too but unfortunately from the wisdom of a man who sought to corrupt the law for gain. It is clear that Paul would have been a grown man here because Gamaliel was a teacher of advanced studies and not a teacher of children.After his study life, he probably left to tarsus where he may have been engaged in connection with some synagogues for some years but we find him bac again at Jerusalem shortly after the death of Jesus at the site where Stephen was stoned to death (Acts22:20), he was doing what any Pharisee at that time would do which is persecute the disciples of the man who claimed to be one with God and who wanted to dissolve the Levitical priesthood that was fetching them so much money. It must have been then he learnt of the life and works of Jesus.8) Paul begins active work as a Pharisee - persecuting the Nazarenes
He entered houses after houses, seized man and women sending them to prison (Acts8:3). He couldn’t have been entering houses to houses, seizing man and women and sending them to prison merely by his individual power for this can only be done by some kind of official order and authority and the scriptures make it clear who Paul’s authority was, it was of course the Edomite religious government of the jews led by the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin (Acts9:1-2, 26:10). By the time Stephen was killed, we are certain that Paul was a member of the great Sanhedrin because the phrase he used in (Acts26:10) while talking to Agrippa “gave my voice against them” goes to show that he had a say, a voice, an opinion to condemn or free the victims. This phrase is referring to a voting. It can only refer to a voting of the Sanhedrin or a council of elders which was convened to try capital cases so that Paul must have been a member of the great Sanhedrin and an active Pharisee in the time of the early church.9) Paul changes tactics and wears the clothing of a Nazarene
As a result of all the persecution the Nazarenes were facing, majority of them had to flee to Damascus (which was the last safe place at the time) to take refuge and Paul in his desperate hatred for the believers, had to go take permission from the high priest so he could go after this believers (Acts9:1-2) and this is the point where he seems to stop telling us the truth and begins to lie beginning with conversion story which the Nazarenes later discovered to be a lie (even as we will reveal soon). This was done so as to infiltrate the faith from the inside with the aim to "attack God the son and the gospel he preached" while Gamaliel was busy infiltrating Mosaism from the inside "attacking God the father and his law".This is no child’s play, it was carefully planned by the Edomite religious power of Isreal. The plan was to destroy both Mosaism and the Nazarene way of life. So knowing that they had secured the fall of the jews who themselves had proven their allegiance by giving up their messiah to the enemy to be killed (Mark15:1-15), the Sanhedrin sent Paul out to go get a satanic grip on the Nazarenes, and on anyone at all who would accept Jesus as messiah. This way, they could destroy both Mosaism (with Judaism) and the Nazarene way (with Christianity).This last apostacy of the church would show how Paul is indeed a wolf borrowed from the underworld and given a sheep clothing by the Roman-Pharisaic alliance who he secretly worked for. Paul was a secret government agent just like the religious leaders of the Sanhedrin were secret government officials and like Jesus told us, their mission was to steal salvation from the people (Matt23:13 ~ But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in). He changed his name to Paul so as to hide his true identity, and to continue the diabolic mission of all pharisees which is to rob believers of their salvation (Matt23:13). And to execute this undercover mission of his, Paul chose double-speech as his weapon of engagement. The rest of the 6 steps of this part would shine the brightest light most have ever seen on the 2-faced identity of the double-agent called Paul. So sit back, relax, and discover the biggest lie of Roman Christianity which the church does not want us to know.
Level 2of7With 13 prophecies -
God already did expose Paul
1) If Jacob prophesied on his sons - revealing how their respective tribes would influence the last days (Gen49:1 ~ And Jacob called his sons and said, Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days: Gather together and hear, you sons of Jacob, and listen to Israel your father).2) And if Jacob prophesied that Benjamin would be a wolf that will devour the sheep in the last days (Gen49:27 ~ Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil).3) And if Christ: who was born at the inception of the last days - warned us to beware of wolves dressed as sheep (Matt7:15 ~ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves).4) And if Paul shows up 3 and a half years after the resurrection if Christ (in 34AD) to announce himself as one from the tribe of Benjamin (Rom11:1 ~ I am of the tribe of Benjamin).5) And if Paul-the-Benjamite began his ministry by first killing the first believers known as the NAZARENES (Acts7:58-59), and also became responsible for dividing the spoil (into sect-groups as prophesied) by being responsible for the denominational divisions of Christianity: first into Roman Catholicism, and then into the daughter Churches (1Cor11:19 ~ There must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized).6) And if Christ warned us to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod (Mk18:15), and we find Paul proudly announcing Herod to be his kimsman in (Rom16:11 ~ Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord), and also dividing the spoil of the NAZARENES into sects as an unrepentant Pharisee that he was - EVEN WHILE PRETENDING TO BE A SHEEP (Acts 23:6 ~ But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question).7) And if Christ warned us not to believe anyone who says they saw him in the wilderness (Matt24:26 ~ Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not), and Paul happens to confess that after his conversion (on seeing Christ on his way to Damascus), he proceeded to Arabia (which is inclusive of Damascus and the surrounding desert) and lived secludedly for 3 years before showing himself to the Isrealites (Gal1:17 ~ Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus).8) And if Christ said in pain - that he wasn't received, even if he came in his Father's name (was sent by the Father), yet the people will accept the one that comes of his own accord (John5:43 ~ I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive), and Paul happens to fulfil this prophecy by exposing his ego to be the authority by which he spoke: personalising the Gospel to himself, and calling it "HIS Gospel" (Rom2:16, 16:25; 2Tim2:8), saying the Gospel was committed to "HIS trust" (1Tim1:11), and also speaking too highly of himself as if he was Christ (Gal6:14 ~ But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world). And also saying ''that God made him the role-model (rather than Christ) to all that may believe (1Tim1:16)9) And if Christ says in (Rev2:2) that the Ephesians have tested Apostles and found them to be liars, and we know Paul to be the one to start the Church in Ephesus (Acts18:19/20:16-18, Eph1:1).10) And if Christ rebuked a woman from Thyatira called Jezebel who taught false doctrines causing the people to commit adultery by eating foods sacrificed to idols (Rev2:18-24), and Paul (who wrongly teaches that eating foods sacrificed to idols is okay on some conditions (1Cor8:1-13, 10:19 & 25-33) happens to baptise a rich woman from Thyatira (Acts16:14-15).11) And if Peter openly revealed that God had appointed him (rather than Paul) - to be the mouth through which the Gentiles would hear the Gospel: a revelation that would inevitably annul Paul's Apostleship by destroying the claim that there is space for a 13th Apostle (Acts15:7 ~ And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe).12) And if the law of God includes the dietary law (Lev11), the 7 feasts (Lev23), and the 10 commandments (Exo20) amongst other commandments, and Christ said he hadn't come to abolish the law (Matt5:17 ~ Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.), yet Paul goes ahead to abolish God's law by directly attacking the dietary law, the 7 feasts, and the 4th commandment of God (Col2:16 ~ Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:).13) And if Christ demotes all those who demote his laws (Matt5:19 ~ Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.), but Paul yet goes ahead to abolish the entire concept of doing the work of keeping the commandments to prove your love for God (Rom3:28:19 ~ Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.).CONCLUSION: If the above 13 points - all point to Paul as a false 13th Apostle, why then do we need Christ to physically appear and bang us on the head with a club branded with the words "PAUL IS A FALSE APOSTLE" - before we choose to wake up? If Christ who never taught: except in parables, revealed it to us that he has indeed foretold us (PROPHESIED to us) all things: of course in parables (Mk13:23 ~ But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things), why then are believers waiting for a word that double-confirms the fact that something is definitely wrong with Paul - as if they do not already see all the hints?Scripture proves that the first believers - who Paul happened to persecute - were not called Christians but were rather called Nazarenes. And these Nazarene-minded people all kept the fulfilled law (the old law but devoid of temple sacrifices and oblations). So if Paul's conversion to the Faith was actually true and genuine, why then didn't he live LAWFULLY like all Nazarenes do? How is Paul's conversion a true and genuine one - if he did not live like those he converted to?To those who have eyes to see and ears to ear, it is indeed crystal clear that Paul is the fulfilment of Jacob's and Christ's prophecy, and the disguised blindfold of Christianity: who is however purposely ordained and planted by God, why? TO TEST THE GENUINENESS OF OUR FAITHFULNESS UNTO HIM JUST LIKE HE TESTED THE FAITHFULNESS OF ADAM AND EVE WITH THE FORBIDDEN TREE.
Level 3of7In 40 undisputable ways -
Paul contradicts God in the Bible
Proof today's Christianity has nothing to do with Christ -
but is rather solely founded on the words of Paul
15 cases - most Christians have never heard of -
where Paul directly contradicts God
1) Why Roman Christians find it difficult to identify fake believers and wolves in sheep clothing
If Yahushua revealed that the nature and character of people is confirmed by the things they do (Matt7:15-19), why would Paul say people are rather identified by their mental belief alone (Gal2:16) without needing to do any righteous and principled work of the law (Rom4:5)? And if Jesus himself asks us to be wise as serpents (to not be spiritually naive) but gentle as doves (Matt10:16), why would Paul say he would rather have us be wise unto that which is good, and simple (naive) concerning evil (Rom16:19)? And why would Paul say ''no one can say Jesus is Lord if not by the power of the Holyspirit (1Cor12:3) if the fake disciples spoken of in (Matt7:21-23) went even farther than saying ''Jesus is Lord'' to performing great miracles, signs and wonders? Only to have themselves yet rejected by the Father - who classed them as lawless and said he doesn't know them.2) Why Christian women believe Christianity is covertly oppressive to woman, and why Christian-women leaders have a notion that God frowns at their spiritual leadership
If Yahushua had many women around him in ministry (Luke8:1-3; 23:49, 55, 24;10; John19:25, 20:1), and if he found gladness in Mary for being more spiritual than Martha, and for choosing to sit with the word - over serving tables like her sister Martha preferred (Luke10:38-42), why then does Paul command women to keep shut in church, and by implication - restrict women from being spiritual teachers (1Tim2:11-12, 1Cor14:34-35)? And why does he belittle women so much to say that women find their value and salvation in childbearing (1Tim2:15)?3) Why Roman Christians have a notion that marriage hinders holiness - so that the Roman Catholic Church then requires their ministers not to marry
If God said it is not good for man to be alone (hence the genders PRIMARILY need themselves for companionship) (Gen2:18), why then would Paul say marriage is only good to avoid fornication (1Cor7:1-2). And if the scriptures said ''he who finds a wife - has found a good thing (Prov18:22)'', and if even the head Apostle himself - had a wife (Matt8:14-15), why then would Paul wish for people to be single (like himself) rather than be married (1Cor7:6-8, 27-29. 33-34, 38)?4) Why Roman Christians tend to follow Paul more than they follow christ
If Yahushua said his sheep follow him (John10:27), why would Paul call believers to rather follow his own self (Phil3:17, 2Thes3:7,9,1Cor4:16,11:1)?5) Why Roman Christians are known for praying loudly, repetitively, gibberishly and chaotically
If Yahushua urged us to pray quietly, behind locked doors, away from the sight of people, and non-repetitively (Matt6:5-8), why would Paul command believers to pray everywhere (1Tim2:8) and in gibberish tongues which no one can understand (1Cor14:18)?6) Why Roman Christians have the notion that they are called to preach the gospel, but yet must acquire a special annointing to baptise new converts
If Yahushua mandated us to teach and baptise people of all nations (Matt28:19), why would Paul say Christ sent him not to baptise people (1Cor1:17)?7) Why Roman Christians could fall flat for the doctrine of the trinity after it was fabricated in 325AD
If Yahushua said his Father (Yahuah) is greater than himself (John14:28), why would Paul say Christ is equal to the Father (Phil2:5-6)? Why would he proceed to speak of God as a Godhead (1Cor2:9) even after professing that God is one (Eph4:6)? Why yet speak of a Godhead if God is indeed one?8) Why Roman Christians find it easy to throw God's eternal law away
If Yahushua said we shouldn't even think it - that he has come to do away with the law (Matt5:17) and if scripture refers to the law as perfect, and as the light unto our path (Psm19:7, 119:105)), why would Paul refer to the law of God as "the law of sin and death" (Rom8:2), why would he contradict Jesus himself by saying Christ has abolished the law (Eph2:15), and why would he personally pronounce it null and void (Eph2:13-16)?9) Why Roman Christians find it so easy to neglect the poor
If Yahushua himself ate with commoners and sinners because he intended to influence them (Matt9:10-13), why would Paul condemn believers from keeping company with commoners and sinners even for good reason (1Cor5:9-13)?10) Why Catholics and Mormons could fall flat for the doctrine of praying for the dead, and why Mormons do baptisms for the dead
If the angel of the Lord said Father is the God of the living and not the dead (Luke20:38), why would Paul say Christ is the God of both the living and the dead (Rom14:9)? And if Christ revealed that only the living can do wise works of salvation (John9:4; Ecc9:10), why then would Paul give his support and endorsement for the baptism of the dead (1Cor15:29)?11) Why Roman Christians could fall flat for the Rapture doctrine
If the risen Christ said that the earth shall become new by the descending of the new city of Jerusalem from heaven to earth, and that God shall begin to dwell with man on this new earth (Rev21:1-3), why then did Paul say otherwise - that believers would rather be raptured to heaven to live up there with the Lord (1Thes4:16-17)?12) Why Roman Christians think divorce is abominable in all circumstances
If Yahushua permitted divorce: on the ground of adultery - so that both parties become free again on this basis to justifiably remarry (Matt5:32; 19:9), why would Paul ask divorcees (separated for whatever reason) not to ever remarry (1Cor7:10-11)?13) Why Roman Christians believe it is okay to have earthly men as their spiritual fathers
If Yahushua asked us not to call any man our spiritual father because that position belongs only to God the Father (1Pet1:3, 1John2:13) who is spirit (John4:24), and if even Peter - the head Apostle - referred to his followers "children of the father" (1Pet1:13-25), why would Paul go on to take himself as the spiritual father of his converts (1Cor4:15-16, 2Cor2:10)?14) Why Roman Christians found it easy to replace God's Saturday-sabbath with Constantine's Sunday in 321AD when Rome made Sunday the new Saturday
If Father commanded us not to forget to keep holy the Saturday sabbath day (by resting from working for money) (Exo20:8), and if the early church did keep the Saturday sabbath by fellowshiping on Saturdays instead of on Sundays (Acts13:42, 44), why then would Paul say the keeping of the Saturday sabbath day does not really matter (Col2:16)?15) Why Roman Christians believe they need money (tithes and offerings) from the brethren to run a church or a fellowship
If Jesus commanded us to FREELY GIVE because we have FREELY RECIEVED (Matt10:7-8), why would Paul say God did not command that but rather said ''those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel (1Cor9:14)''? And why would he say Church preachers deserve physical gifts (payment) for the spiritual gifts they give (1Cor9:12)
11 cases - most Christians have never heard of -
where Paul contradicts the servants of God
(Isaiah, David, James, the Apostles, John, and Peter)
1) Why Roman Christians find it difficult to rebel against wicked governments like that of Rome
If Peter proved that obeying God is different from, and is more of a big deal than obeying the government (Acts4:13-20) even as Christ taught us (Matt10:28), why would Paul teach that obeying the government is the very same thing as obeying God (Rom13:1-6)? Why would he say governments are generally good, and that they only trouble those who are wicked (Rom13:3)? And why would he call for the holding up and support of all people in government (1Tim2:1-2).2) Why Roman Christians tend to shy away from spiritual investigation
If John cautioned us to test the spirits of people before believing them (1John4:1), why would Paul ask us to wait till Jesus comes before we begin making character judgements (1Cor4:5)?3) Why Roman Christians tend to think Paul is the greatest Apostle
If Isaiah said God himself laid the foundation of salvation (Isa28:16), why would Paul say such a thing: that as a wise masterbuilder, he has laid the foundation of people's salvation (1Cor3:10), and that Christ was crucified unto himself (Paul) and himself (Paul) was crucified unto the world (Gal6:14), and why would he proceed to say that it was he himself (Paul) that rather personally laid the foundation for people's salvation (1Cor3:10)? And why would he say he put in the most work than that of all the 12 Apostles combined (1Cor15:10, 2Cor11:21-33)?4) Why Roman Christians who fervently follow Paul (his Pastors) tend to be boastful
If David, Isaiah and James confirmed that boasting was evil since it is the evil and wicked that do boast in their exploits (Psm10:3; 94:4, James4:16), why would Paul confess that he loves to boast, and that people should foolishly allow him to do just that (2Cor11:16-17)? Why would Paul say he is not ashamed of his boastings (2Cor7:14)? Why would he admit that he would even boast more about his achievements (2Cor10:8)? And why would he say no-man shall stop him of his boasting (2Cor11:10)? Why would he say all these boastful things even after he personally admitted that boasting is indeed bad (Rom1:29-31, 2Tim3:1-2, Eph2:8-9)?5) Why Roman Christians tend to be infatuated with the blood of Christ than be more bothered about walking with him (doing the law) in the life of his resurrection
If Peter - the head Apostle - professed that the hope of a Christian lies not in the death of Christ but solely in his ressurection from death (1Pet1:3), why then would Paul be more glad that Christ died rather than being most glad that he ressurected (Gal6:14, Heb2:14, 1Cor2:2)?6) Why Roman Christians feel they can eat just anything
If the Apostles taught us not to eat the food we know are sacrificed to idols (Acts15:28-29), why would Paul say only weak people feel there is something wrong with eating foods they know is sacrificed to idols (1Cor8:1-11)? And if Paul wants us to present our bodies as holy living sacrifice to God (Rom12:1), how then do we advance this course by being indifferent to what we eat?7) Another reason why Roman Christians find it easy to throw God's eternal law away
If James said faith without the works of the law is dead (James2:20-26), why would Paul say man can be saved without backing his belief with the righteous works of the law (Rom3:28)?8) Here's Paul lying in Galatians about what happened in Acts
If the Apostles agreed (in the Jerusalem council) that Peter was the Apostle to the Gentiles (Acts15:7), and that the Gentile converts should not be burdened initially with much, but are to desist from idolatry, fornication, from eating meat strangled and meat sacrificed to idols, and from eating blood (Acts15:19-20; 27-31), why then did Paul report to the Gentile Galatians that the Jerusalem council assigned him the Apostle to the Gentiles (Gal2:7-9) and that the only decision reached at the meeting was that the Gentiles should remember the poor (Gal2:10)?9) Here's Paul also being a hypocrite after accusing Peter of hypocrisy
If Paul accused Peter of hypocrisy simply because he ate with sinners (something Yahushua had no problem with (Matt9:10-13)) (Gal2:11-13), and if he further cautioned Peter to not try to please all men and to not be two-faced, but that he should rather live as a Jew that he claimed he was (Gal2:14), why then did Paul yet confess that he tries to please all men by becoming whatever his environment compels him to become (1Cor9:19-22; 10:33) and how could Paul preach that circumcision was nothing (Gal5:6) and yet turn around to commit the same crime he accused Peter of - by going ahead to be two-faced too, by circumcising Timotheus: simply for fear of the Jews (Acts16:1-5)? And if Paul says those who judge people for evil, and they themselves do those same evil - shall not escape the judgement of God (Rom2:3), is it safe then to say Paul shall not escape the judgement of God?10) Here's Paul bending and misquoting scripture - just to make it say what he wants it to say
If David says in the Psalms that ''GOD RECEIVED GIFTS FROM PEOPLE (Psm68:18 ~ Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.)'', why would Paul in an attempt to quote Psalm 68:18 - say ''GOD GAVE GIFTS TO PEOPLE (Eph4:8 ~ Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.)''?11) Here's Paul bending and misquoting scripture again - just to defend his doctrine of lawless-grace
If Moses said in Deuteronomy that ''GOD WANTS US TO DO HIS WORD (Psm68:18 ~ But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.)'', why would Paul make his quote erase the verse's concept of ''DOING WORK''? Why would he replace the admonition to ''DO WORK'' with the admonition to PREACH THE WORD (Rom10:8 ~ But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;)''?
8 cases - most Christians have never heard of -
where Paul contradicts his own self
1) Should we prove all things now or should we wait till Jesus comes?
If Paul preaches God's word, and rightly admonishes us to prove all things and only hold fast to that which is good (1Thes5:21), and if Paul spoke highly of the Bereans who searched the scriptures daily to test the words they were hearing being preached to them - before they would believe them (Acts17:11), why then would he turn around in Corinthians to ask us to judge nothing untill Jesus comes (1Cor4:5)?2) Are women spiritually equal with men or are they not?
If Paul speaks God's word, and rightly preaches that there is neither male nor female after one has come to Christ but that all are equal heirs to the kingdom (Gal3:28), why then would Paul say it is a shame for a woman to speak in church, and why did he command them to be silent in church till they get home and can ask their husbands for understanding, and why did he relegate their value to childbearing (1Cor14:34-35; 1Tim2:11-15)? So which is it? Is Paul saying women are spiritually equal with men in the Kingdom or is he saying women are spiritually slaves to men?3) Does Paul live to please only God or does he live to please all men?
If Paul preaches God's word, and confesses that as a believer, he cannot live to please men but must only please God, and that he should not be taken as a servent of Christ if he sought to please men (Gal1:10), why then would he turn around in Corinthians to say "he pleases all men in all things (1Cor10:33)"? Was this why Paul who allegedly condemned Peter for being a hypocrite (after he refrained from fellowshipping with sinners (Gal2:11-12) just because he saw the Jews from James whom he feared) yet turned around to be a hypocrite too by going ahead to circumcise Timotheus because of his own fear of the Jews (Acts16:1-3) even after openly rejecting circumcision (Gal5:6)? So which is it? Does Paul live to please only God or does Paul live to please all men (so that if true - we must reject him to be a servant of Christ)?4) Should we curse our enemies or should we not?
If Paul preaches God's word, and rightly admonishes believers to "curse not" (Rom12:14), why then would he (on 2 occasions) curse everyone who preaches against his own words like the Apostles were doing (Gal1:8-9)? And why would he equally curse those who do not love and believe in Jesus (1Cor16:22)?5) Should we eat food sacrificed to idols or should we not?
If Paul preaches God's word, and himself did say that the Gentiles who worship idols do make their sacrifices to devils and not to God, and that he would not advise us to fellowship with devils or eat at the table of the Lord and of the devil at the same time (1Cor10:20-22), and that - what agreement has the temple of God (our bodies) with idols (2Cor7:16-18)? Why then would Paul turn around to say: it is in some occasions okay to eat food sacrificed to idols (1Cor8:1-13, 10:19 & 25-33)?6) Does grace abolish the law or does it not?
If Paul teaches that men do not need to keep the law because we are justified by faith without the deeds of the law (Roman3:28), why then did would he contradict his own self by saying "faith alone nevertheless does not abolish the law but establishes it" (Rom3:31). So which is it? Is Paul saying since faith alone justifies a man - men should therefore ignore the law or is he saying since faith establishes the law - men should therefore keep the law?7) Will men be justified by the deeds of the law or will they not?
If Paul is known to clearly teach the abolition of the law, calling it an usher of curse (Gal3:10, 13), calling it a law of sin and death (Rom8:2) and saying no man shall be justified by the deed of the law (Rom3:20), why then would he contradict his own self in the same book of Romans saying "not the hearers but the doers of the law shall be justified (Rom2:13)? So which is it? Is Paul saying men will be justified by the deeds of the law or is Paul saying they will not?8) Is Paul a changed man or is he still a sinner?
If Paul says he used to be a sinner but God showed him mercy because he did his wickedness in ignorance and unbelief (1Tim1:13), why then would he turn around to contradict himself two verses later by saying "...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief (1Tim1:15)? Why still speak in the present: his confession to be a sinner, as if he hadn't truly being converted? And after his self-acclaimed conversion, why would he yet call himself (in the present also): a Pharisee (Acts23:6) if Christ had already told us that ''we cannot possibly enter the kingdom of God except our righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees (Matt5:20)? So which is it? Is Paul saying he is a changed man or is he saying he is still a sinner? And did he ever really repent from being a Pharisee or is he still one?
6 cases - most Christians have never heard of -
where Paul made his most shocking confessions
1) Paul the liar
If Father said thou shall not lie (Exo20:16), why would Paul confessed that he was a liar (Rom3:7 ~ For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?).2) Paul the thief
If God said thou shall not covet your neighbour's property (Exo20:17), why would Paul confessed that he was a thief (2Cor11:82 ~ I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.).3) Paul the idol (fallen angel) worshipper
If God said worship no idols (Exo20:3), why would Paul confessed that he serves and worships angels (Acts27:23 ~ For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve.) Also (Col2:18 ~ Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind). And why does Paul seem to include angels in the Godhead (1Tim5:21 ~ I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Elect angels, that thou observe these things...)?4) Paul on the law as given by angels
If God calls the law My Law mmmm, why would Paul teach that the law was rather given and ordained by angels (Gal3:19* ~ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.)?5) Paul the tormented
If God never uses fallen angels to support his divine works (), why would Paul confessed that he was being tormented by a messenger (angel) of satan (2Cor12:7 ~ And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.).6) Paul the divider
If Christ takes the multitude of believers as HIS ONE BRIDE (Rev21:9), why would Paul command denominationalism in the church of Christ (1Cor11:19 ~ There must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized).
CONCLUSION: This is why - while Jewish Christianity is just one single way (The Nazarene Way of Life), Roman Christianity (Paulainity) is today divided into a faction of over 3,000 denominations: which strangely all still believe they serve the same one God. Christ set up the pillars of the foundation of the church to be the 12 Apostles, but Paul does not see the body of Christ as ONE - founded on the 12 Apostles, he confessed to build not - on the foundation of the 12 Apostles (Rom15:20) (neither does he respect them as the foundation of the church (Gal2:6,9)), but to have rather built his own foundation (1Cor3:10) even as he encouraged ministers to build on their own individual foundations (Rom15:20). Hence, by his own admission, he does not preach the same message as the 12.
________________No one has a personal vendetta against anyone, but if there is truly nothing wrong with Paul, why is he is the only one in the entire Bible who contradicts God - not just once but as much as 40 different times? And we're not even done yet. How could 40 different contradictions be simply a coincidence?.
The hidden meaning behind the 40 questions:
The 13 books of Paul are not to be used to find God or establish doctrine
They are to help us understand the finest expression of hypocrisy
So we don't have to throw Paul's books out
We only need to understand them
Level 4of7What Paul really preaches but yet can't plainly say lest we unmask him
The one major reason why most fall for Paul is: he speaks truth and lies side-by-side. Thereby gaslighting anyone not paying attention into subconsciously overlaying the lies he speaks with the truth they desperately want to hear
1) Paul begins by saying Angels gave and ordained the law - not God
Paul starts off by avoiding self-accountability, by putting the blame for sin on the law itself. Paul says the law is good, but that it however gives power to sin (Rom7:8-11, 3:20 13-25;5:13; 1Cor15:56). Paul preaches that God never really intended for us to be eternally under law, he said the law was rather given and ordained by angels and not by God, he said the angels gave us the law so that it could stand to justify righteousness for a while - that is, until Jesus comes to do away with it (Gal3:19).Paul says since where there is no law, there is no sin (Rom4:15), and since sin cannot be imputed when there is no law (Rom5:13), and since the law was never even given by God in the first place but by angels to help justify righteousness for a time, then it is better to take the law away so that sin cannot find anything to take advantage of to destroy us. Paul then further proves that he doesn't understand the law when he said the purpose of the law was to evoke in us sin (Rom5:20), even if God has long said his law is to make us holy and righteous (Deut6:25, Mat5:17-20). Paul rather concludes that the law is the problem, because if it were not for the law being alive, sin would be dead (Rom7:8). Even if the scripture says God has sent his son to fulfil the law (Matt5:17) and to magnify it (Isa42:21), Paul concludes that Father has rather sent the son to kick out the law, and to be the end of the law (Rom10:4).2) Paul then teaches that for sin to lose its power, the law of the angels must be abolished
Paul eventually shifts from blaming the law, and begins to blame sin. Paul uses the entire 7th chapter of Romans to shift the blame away from the law, and unto sin. He said sin is even as much a problem as the law is. He said sin takes advantage of the law to bring death upon us, so the sin that we commit - is not really our fault, but that of sin itself (Rom7). Paul is faced with a dilemma. What is to be done with sin so that it doesn't use the law against us? Just after Paul preached that we should be not overcomed with evil but instead - overcome evil with good (Rom12:21), Paul decides that te solution to the problem was to proceeds to do away with the law so that he might via that - starve sin of the privilege to destroy us. hence, by succumbing to evil, and by surrendering, and allowing sin to overcome us: we overcome sin. This is how Paul eventually solves the problem of sin.3) By abolishing the law, Paul consequently gave endorsement to the classic Luciferian and Freemasonic doctrine: Do What Thou Will
Paul says the law is good, but that it however gives power to sin (Rom7:8-11, 3:20 13-25;5:13; 1Cor15:56). He say he discovered that he cannot control his body over sin, so he concludes that the flesh of all men cannot possibly be disciplined, o that one can only possibly then find purity in the mind alone. So instead of working on our hearts by keeping the law, Paul proposes that the law itself be taken away. So that the one who therefore THINKS he is a good person - that same one becomes a good person (1Cor6:12). Paul teaches us to lead with our heart and not with our hearts. He goes on to admonish us to judge no one but rather, we should let people do whatever they want (Rom14:13). He says happy is the one that doesn't let his conscience condemn him for his choices (whether good or bad) (Rom14:22). Paul is creating an entirely new and different law here, in this law, guiding principles like ''The law of clean and unclean food'' no longer matter, whatever someone believes is clean or unclean - to him, it is clean or unclean respectively, he infers that in this law, what a man does not know, the same cannot kill him. Hence, he should eat whatever is put before him without asking questions (1Cor10:25-33).If you untangle all the convoluted words of Paul, his message in simple words becomes: DO WHAT THOU WILL. Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments (John12:25), but Paul said the commandment is done away with (2Cor3:10, 1Cor13:10-11, Eph2:15): so DO WHAT THOU WILL. Our mind and feelings have become the new law: this is Paul's simple message - which he however - cannot openly say except through codes.4) Paul introduces his own personal law: to be our mind and feelings - he called it: the law of faith
Paul teaches that our mind and feelings now rule as the new law - hence the law is done away with (2Cor3:10, 1Cor13:10-11, Eph2:15). He preaches that salvation is not in our works as well but solely in our heart (Rom2:29). Follow Paul's train of thought here (Rom3:1-4) and the same message is resounded: The law is whatever you say it is. He then dedicates the entire chapter 14 of Romans to nullify God's law of clean and unclean food specifically. He has to start from there because James (the brother of Jesus) had long revealed that the one who can control his mouth - can possibly control his whole body (James3:2). But Paul is inferring that the body itself cannot be controlled, so why bother about what you eat. Paul himself in Hebrews said ''the Father is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb13:8)'', yet the same Paul later says the Father's law was never meant to be everlasting because it was given by angels. He preaches that the law was instituted so that it can be later replaced by our thought of mind and faith of heart (Gal3:22-25), and that one now attains goodness and righteousness by simply thinking and believing that they are good.Paul takes the power to control our being and life - away from the law and transfers it to our mind and feelings because he claimed ''the flesh of man cannot possibly be disciplined (Rom7:14-25)'', he forgot that God had long condemned the heart of man to be desperately wicked (Jer17:9). When Paul claimed that the flesh cannot be disciplined: he forgot that he himself had also said that Jesus came in the flesh and was tempted as we are and yet was able to come out sinless (Heb4:15). If not for the law of God which Christ kept dearly, how would he have been able to possibly come out sinless? Yet Paul claims the law is there to give power to sin.Paul's law of faith is one that says DO WHAT THOU WILL. If you have wondered why Paul seems to be very boastful, it is because in his self-introduced law of faith, boasting is actually permitted as he confessed with his own mouth (Rom3:27).5) While Paul's law of faith - is the law without works, the law of God is the law of sin and death
Paul therefore proposes that we should be dead to sin (Rom6:11), not by working on our heart by the keeping the law but by being dead to the law (Rom7:5), he concludes that ''we are not under the law (Rom6:14)''. Since Paul believes that the law gives life to sin, he therefore exchanges the law for sin, and uses those 2 words interchangeably. Hence, anytime Paul says SIN or FLESH or CARNALITY, he actually means THE LAW. This is why Paul can make the statement saying ''sin shall not have dominion over us, because we're not under the law but under grace (Rom6:14): that verse proves that Paul really takes THE LAW to be SIN. Paul sees the law and sin as one single thing so much so - that he did not only call the doers of the law: ''cursed (Gal3:10, 13)'', he actually directly attacked the law and identified the very LAW OF GOD to be ''the law of sin and death (Rom8:2)''. He claims that keeping the law today amounts to nothing because what matters today is what we THINK IN OUR MIND (Rom14:9). Hence, Paul is often caught requiring us more to renew our minds (Rom12:2, Eph4:23) even if Father rather wants us to renew our hearts (Ezek36:26; Psm51:10; Jer24:7, 31:33; Isa57:15). Paul makes it known that Christianity is a business of the mind - not the heart. Paul infers that the real reason why we are to show love to our enemies - is so to heap more punishment on their heads (Rom12:20), but the Nazarenes want to rather pray that the wicked changes his ways because they know that even The Father does not wish that anyone should be lost (2Pet3:9).6) Why only Paul is known to double-speak - endorsing the law and at the same time - thrashing it
For those who argue that Paul couldn't possibly infer that the law is sin and death just because he seemed to say otherwise in (Rom7:7,13), fact-check that quickly by simply asking the simple question: if Paul does not see the law as something negative AT LEAST (like a curse, like sin, and like death for example), why then does he want us to be dead to it (Rom7:5)? Can one eat their cake and yet have it? If the law is indeed good and not negative AT LEAST, then keep it. But if Paul insists we must live above the law, it is because he doesn't see it as good, this we can very safely conclude. But Paul is very cunny as he himself confessed with his own mouth (2Cor12:16). Paul CLEARLY dreads God's law (as well as anything Jewish (Tit1:14)), but he knows he cannot plainly say this, so he plays with our intelligence and tries to gaslight us into subconsciously accepting his lie. The last thing Paul wants his followers to see - is the fact that ''he actually fears the law of God, and this is why he double-speaks: speaking in favour of the law in one place (Rom3:31) and trashing the law in another place (Rom3:20, 8:2). And Paul is exceptionally good at what he does so don't take him for a fool. If even Paul himself preaches against being double-tongued (1Tim3:8), why then does he double-speak? It is for deception. Through double-speaking, he releases venoms that work subconsciously to steal salvation away from the hearts of men. If you don't pay close attention, you cannot catch when he does this, so we're going to slow him down a bit, just so it becomes easy for everyone to see who the man Paul really is.7) How to checkmate Paul at his own game
If Yahushua mandated the Apostles to teach and baptise people of all nations (Matt28:19), but Paul told us that Christ did not send him to baptise people (1Cor1:17), and if Paul also went ahead to build his GRACE-ALONE Church on a different foundation from that of the 12 Apostles (1Cor3:10), how then is Paul preaching the same message with the 12 Apostles or the same message as Christ? It is obvious that Paul is preaching a different Gospel of his own: one which by its inherent LAWLESSNESS - is crafted to tempt the believers to fall into sin. If the above rhetorical question is not revealing enough, there is yet even a clearer way to show that Paul is trying to trap believers into sin.Notice that just after Paul says we are not under the law but under grace (Rom6:14), he (in the next verse) proceeds to also say ''we should not sin (Rom6:15)''. But saying ''we are not under the law (Rom6:14), and saying ''we should not sin (Rom6:15)'' are 2 completely disconnected things that cannot possibly come together: it is like asking someone to step into a fire and yet commanding them not to get burnt. Why is this a senseless instruction? Because you cannot successfully obey the 2 instructions without disobeying 1 of the 2 instructions. To say it plainly: you can either do one and leave the other, or you must do none at all. You obviously cannot stay above the law and not end up a sinner at the end of the day because John has already told us that SIN IS ITSELF THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW (1John3:4). So if we know that SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW, yet Paul insists that we are not to stay under the law, what then is Paul really saying? Take a moment to think about it.The wise can already see the big picture, but not everyone will see it - only until they are ready to. This is why all of the old friends Paul made in Asia eventually left him (2Tim1:15), barely saving Timothy and Luke (2Tim4:11). Apparently, they all eventually figured him out.
Level 5of7Paul is the author of the half-holiness that keeps us from being saved till the end
Holiness is about being both born again (a business of the spirit) and being set apart (a business of the flesh). Hence, to be holy - is to be different: both in spirit and in flesh. This means ''holy people are not those who only confess the Messiah in their hearts'', holy people also carry the flesh along by setting themselves apart from the environmental culture, norm, and traditions that prove to oppose their holiness. And this is why holy people keep the law, because therein is where the instructions to become set-apart to God - are found.The law is not about blood sacrifices and water oblations anymore because Christ had come to fulfil that by replacing the blood sacrifices with his own life once and for all, and by replacing the water oblations with the Holyspirit that is now available to indwell the hearts of men. THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO FULFIL THE LAW. We were never meant to forget that there are however other instructions of the law like The Big 3: the 10 commandments, the dietary law, and the Feast laws (the Holy days). These are still required to be kept. The law is only in a fulfilled state: not in an abolished one.Only dishonest people work to abolish God's law. However, it is not solely our fault that we have found ourselves to be Christians and lawless today, it is our parents that deceived us into it. But don't be so hard on your parents either because they were themselves deceived by the Church herself. But don't also take it too personal with the Church because she was herself deceived by Paul. Paul is the author of the confusion in the Bible which many are fast waking up to. Paul is the author of Half-Holiness. Only he taught faith without works even when Christ clearly said ''if ye love me, keep my commandments (John14:15)''. Of course we are free to believe whatever we choose to, but let us not forget that receiving the full package is never guaranteed - if one only paid half the price.
Level 6of7
The early-church documents that exposed Paul: as excavated in the 19th century
The one document that exposed the fact that
the Nazarenes of Jerusalem rejected and excommunicated Paul
The Damascus Document (part-1)
Before the rise of Roman Catholicism (as officially endorsed by Roman Emperor Constantine in 313AD), the Nazarenes hid their writings in various strategic places, and we would begin to find these writings on a large scale beginning from 1947. One document that speaks the most about John the Baptist, James and Paul - is the writing called The Damascus Document.It was in 1947 that a large body of the Nazarene-hidden scrolls was found in the caves of Qumran near the dead sea. This is how the scrolls began to be called ''The Dead Sea Scrolls''. Fragments of the Damascus document was found in the Qumran caves in 1947, but the main fragment had already been discovered in Cairo - 50 years back in 1897, and had already been published in 1910. The document is one that exposes how the Nazarenes and the early church really perceived Paul: as opposed to how the Roman Catholic church fathers painted him to be - after they were paid by pagan Emperor Constantine to canonised the Bible: for his selfish reasons. The Dead Sea Scrolls features John the Baptist as ''the teacher of righteousness'', James as ''the Just one'' or ''Jacob'' (James is essentially the English version of the Hebrew name ''Jacob''), and Paul as ''the spouter of lies'', ''the man of scoffing'' or ''the enemy''. Kindly note that the Dead Sea Scrolls is not written in English but in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek.Because fragments of the Damascus document was also found in the Qumran caves, the dead sea scrolls became a body of work that also includes the Damascus document. Besides the 114 prophecies (the father of all secrets) which I have been helped to already document in (the114messianicprophecies.com), all great theologians know that the dead sea scrolls is the one library that gives veracity to the 66 books of the Bible from a historical point of view: and stamps the book as authentic beyond reasonable doubt. Below is a good video presentation of the Damascus document by a Nazarene.
The Damascus Document (part-2)
Bringing to light - the undisclosed war between Peter and Paul
and the fraud in The Book of Acts
Roman Christians are kept in the dark about the events that actually occurred in the time in-between the ascension of Christ and the forming of the Roman Catholic Church, but we are demystifying that in the simplest manner possible.It is sad that most believers do not know that back in the day - Peter and Paul were actually at war with each other and that it unfortunately cost Peter his life: it equally cost James his too. But before Peter was murdered, he transferred his evangelic office to a certain devote man named Clement. And Clement exposed it all in his writings which has survived today as 2 recessions; The Clementine Homilies and The Clementine Recognition. Besides the fact that the entire book of James was actually written to rebuke Paul (for those who can read between the lines), the 4 most important writings to read in other to CLEARLY understand what really happened after the resurrection of Christ and before the rise of the Roman Catholic church are below listed:1) The Dead Sea Scrolls
paying close attention to ''The Damascus document''
2) The Clementine Recognition, AKA the Nazarene acts of the Apostles
paying close attention to 2 letters:
''The Letter of Peter to James'' and
''The Letter of Clement to James''
3) The Clementine Homilies and
4) The works of Jewish historian - Titus Flavius Josephus (36-100AD)
paying close attention to 2 books:
''Antiquities of the Jews'' and
''The Jewish War''Jesus in (Matt24:16-20) did warn the believers that Jerusalem would be besieged, so before 70AD when the Romans destroyed the temple and put an end to Nazarene occupation, the Nazarenes fled Jerusalem to the city of Pella in Peraea: and they also went with their writings. The writers of these records did not mention Paul by name (in their records) because they were being persecuted by both Rome and the Pharisees and they needed to make sure to carefully preserve the knowledge of the time for the benefit of the future church.CAUTION: The author of the video happens to be a religious-vegetarian because he has not yet come to terms with the truth about the dietary law. Not all Nazarenes (specifically those who today go by the name ''Ebionites'') understand that - the fact that devote believers like Peter and James were vegetarians does not necessarily condemn the GENERAL eating of meat. They forget that Christ gave bread and FISH to a multitude (Matt14:14-21). Devote men like Peter and James only chose to keep the vegetarian lifestyle for spiritual and personal reasons. dtrueacademy however stands behind the rest of the truth the author speaks in the below video. So enjoy it.
Level 7of7
Today's Christianity is Paulainity - since Paul alone commands 10of12 Apostacies
To test the loyalty of the first man and woman to our maker (Yahuah), God PURPOSELY planted a forbidden tree right in the center of the good garden. To test the loyalty of all mankind - this time to our redeemer (Yahushua), God PURPOSELY allowed 13 anti-christly books of the 13th false Apostle to be planted right in the center of the good Bible. These test-books are: Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Titus and Philemon.Out of the 12 apostacies of the church, Paul is responsible for 10 of them (The Gospel, Apostleship, Calendar, Speaking in Tongues, Baptism, The Trinity, The nature of Man, Rapture, Tithe, and of course the False Apostleship). So though Paul is responsible for the blindfold of Christianity (the doctrine of lawless grace), Paul is however not the only problem of a Christian, our hearts also contribute as our PRIMARY problem: BECAUSE WE WENT AHEAD OF PAUL - and personally added 2 more apostacies to the foundational 10 Paul taught us, hence; we're part the problem (Jer17:9 ~ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?).CONCLUSION: Paul is responsible for 10 of the 12 Apostacies of the Church, this is why:1) There are 2 kinds of Gospels spoken about in the Bible: that of God with law (Matt5:17), and that of Paul which is lawless (Eph2:15).2) There are 2 kinds of Apostleship spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which stops at 12 (Acts1:26), and that of Paul which is limitless (Gal2:7-9).3) There are 2 kinds of Calendar systems spoken about in the Bible: that of God which compulsorily includes a sacred kind because only by it can the compulsory Feast holidays be kept (Exo12:2), and that of Paul which is only secular and which is free to be manipulated by the government of the land since it is only used to track day and night and not sacred holidays (Col2:16).4) There are 2 kinds of Tongues spoken about in the Bible: that of the 12 which is of real languages (Acts2:8-11), and that of Paul which is gibberish - needing interpretation (1Cor14:13, 27-28).5) There are 2 kinds of Baptism spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which is of water and which ushers the indwelling Holyspirit and is signed by no necessary tongue-speaking (Acts8:36-40), and that of Paul which requires the laying on of hands ''after water baptism'' - to impact the indwelling Holyspirit, and which is signed by compulsory gibberish tongue-speaking (Acts19:2-6).6) There are 2 descriptions of the nature of God spoken about in the Bible: that of Peter which has the Father as greater than the Son but working perfectly through him (UNEQUAL 2 AS PERFECT 1) (Matt16:16, 1Pet1:3), and that of Paul which has Jesus equal with the Father (EQUAL 2 IN 1) (Phil2:5-7).7) There are 2 descriptions of the nature of man spoken about in the Bible: the ''UNEQUAL 2 AS PERFECT 1-TYPE'' of Peter which speaks of the more powerful spiritual and mental soul (Father) working perfectly through the less powerful body (Son) (Matt16:16, 1Pet1:3), and the ''EQUAL MANY IN 1-TYPE'' of Paul (spirit with soul living in a body) (Phil2:5-7), which though should indicate that the innnerman and the bodyman are equal (following Paul's reasoning to its logical conclusion) - is yet not a rational concession, seeing that our bodyman is kept alive by our innerman so that - it consequently cannot possibly be equal to our innerman8) There are 2 descriptions of the Rapture spoken about in the Bible: that of Christ which only involves 2 groups of 144 thousand people (Rev 7&14), and that of Paul which involves the whole Church (1Thes4:16-17)9) There are 2 kinds of Tithes spoken about in the Bible: that of God which is basically food (Lev27:30, 32; Deut14:22; 2Chron31:5-6; Neh13:12) to help take care of the needy (Deut14:28-29, 16:12-15, Amos4:4, Tobith1:7-8), and that of Paul which is basically money to help take care of Pastors (1Cor9:12-14).10) There are 2 descriptions of the person Paul spoken about in the Bible: that known by the 12 and the by the Nazarenes to be a liar and an antichrist (James2:14-26, the Damascus document, the Letter of Peter to James), and that known by the Gentiles and Christians of today to be the greatest Apostle (1Cor15:10, 2Cor11:21-33).
How this apostacy keeps us far away from salvation:
Accepting the words of Paul above those of Christ - is rejecting the Messiah: who happens to be the one who died to save us, and who alone is capable of giving us the eternal life we claim we so seek.
Take your time to meditate on this:
while going through my related Facebook posts
where you can find more info & freely ask me questions.
But it is recommended to read to the end - before opening Facebook posts
The 4 ways out:
of the 12 Apostacies of the Church
1) Save your Spirit - first get your spirit saved - by getting to know, and by accepting Yahushua (not Jesus), then get baptised (Mark16:16): and let the Holyspirit begin to lead you instead of merely following your heart, head, spiritual teachers, personality and astrological sign (Ezek36:27, Jer17:9).2) Save your Mind - keep your mind in tune with your saved spirit - by frequently studying and meditating on the scriptures (which indeed transcends the Bible since not all scripture was canonised as the Bible) (Josh1:8, John21:25).3) Save your Body - keep your body in tune with your saved mind and spirit - by keeping the dietary laws (because not everything is food) (Lev11).4) Stay saved till the end - lastly, appreciate the Father's mercy, prove your love for Him, and keep your entire being saved till your death - by keeping both the 10 commandments (well interpreted) and the 7 feasts of God (Matt24:13, John14:15-24, Deut4:13, Lev23).
Staying saved till the end - as a Nazarene:
Keep the dietary laws and stay away from pork, seafood & vaccines e.t.c.
Keep the 10 commandments as guided by the Old Testament
Employ Enoch's calendar to keep the 7 Holydays of God
Get baptised by immersion
Take your time to meditate on this:
while going through my related Facebook posts
where you can find more info & freely ask me questions.
But it is recommended to read to the end - before opening Facebook posts
The words of the Messiah:
...Behold, I have foretold you all things.
~ Mark 13:23 ~
The Bible is the second garden of Eden:
beware of the evil tree!
Those who choose to follow Paul don't even follow him because they like him, they just go with the flow because it's easy to, if they really liked Paul:1) they wouldn't keep baptising people even if Paul says not to (1Cor1:17)?
2) they wouldn't keep circumcising their boys even if Paul says not to (Gal5:6)?
3) and they wouldn't have women preachers running Churches even if Paul says women should keep shut in the Church (1Tim2:11-12, 1Cor14:34-35)?This is proof that even Roman Christians themselves do not like or respect Paul, so why can't they completely break away from him and begin to totally keep God's law? They can't do this because Roman Christians don't really serve anyone but themselves, hence, they can justifiably pick and choose the parts of the law they find self serving: at the end of the day however, Paul's poison still works despite the fact that his followers do not stick with him a hundred percent, he doesn't care because at least, they're yet still following his word "do what thou will" rather than following God and keeping his own words instead.It's a win win situation for Paul, because Roman Christians rather worship themselves than worship God. Paul only started the fire, but we are the ones keeping it alive because deep down in our hearts, we also do despise God's law.Apparently, the problem is not really Paul, the problem is rather our hearts: it turns out that God only uses Paul as an instrument to reveal where exactly our hearts truly lie.
To test the loyalty of the first man and woman to our maker (Yahuah), God PURPOSELY planted a forbidden tree right in the center of the good garden. To test the loyalty of all mankind - this time to our redeemer (Yahushua), God PURPOSELY allowed 13 anti-christly books of the 13th false Apostle to be planted right in the center of the good Bible. These test-books are: Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, Titus and Philemon.Contrary to popular opinion, Paul also wrote Hebrews, and to make it clear to those who haven't figured it out already: the Catholic Church fathers partly forged 1st and 2nd Peter just to make Peter look like he endorsed Paul (2Pet3:15) when the fact is that James - the brother of Christ who headed the Church in Jerusalem - actually excommunicated Paul from the Jerusalem Church as recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls which the Vatican works hard to keep hidden. The point is not to throw away the 16 compromised books of the New Testament, the point is to understand the secret they are COVERTLY exposing. Behold: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter - Prov25:2. He who has ears should hear what the spirit is saying.
Not many can perceive it - that the Bible is the only alive book on earth. And not many can also perceive it - that the Bible is the second garden of Eden, neither can they also perceive it - that God remains in control of the book, and of the narrative of the Gospel. Only insightful readers of the Bible can see what God is doing with the book. Behold: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter - Prov25:2. He who has ears should hear what the spirit is saying.Christ said he judges no man, but the works that we do are themselves our judges. So let everyman be his own judge here-on. I only sincerely wish that the insightful conclusions we arrive at by the careful cross-examination of the above 12 apostacies of today's Christianity - would be convicting enough to inspire in us repentance, so that we return back to our first love, and become NAZARENES again, just like the first followers of Christ were, before Roman Catholicism unfortunately rose as the mother-harlot-church to confuse, divide, scatter, and destroy the saints and the NAZARENE way of eternal life. It is hopeful however to know that her judgement is coming.
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Truly speaking -
we're all brothers and sisters - bound together on the same journey to making eternal life after our deaths. Hence, we're actually on the same team. So do not be angered or put away by my seemingly harsh words: I am just a messenger. The duty of the messenger is to speak the word, the hearer decides what they do with the message.
And I pray Yah blesses and helps us all.
Of course: change takes time. So one would need to read Part 1 to 4 over and over again before they can begin to easily see the Gospel of the kingdom: IN FULL CLARITY as has been herein simply revealed. The recommended time to spend studying Part 1 to 4 - is one whole year. The one who is genuine about finding the truth - will see it: even before the year elapses, but the one who cares less: will never get to see it.
Many were indeed called as Christians, but only a FEW have been chosen as Nazarenes. And dtrueacademy is the home of truth - ordained in these last days - to house the FEW that happen to see and understand this message.
And the message is simple:
The words of the Messiah:
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
~ John 12:25 ~
Revelation 18:4
...strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,
and FEW there be that find it.
He who has ears should hear what the spirit is saying.
Yah bless
Bonus Part
I work daily - trying to reach more people
but I could use some support
Spiritual knowledge is free,
but your kind donations are very much welcome as Yah leads.
I have a-lot-more under construction (working to reach more people through YouTube videos & my next series of books), and with your support (no matter how little), I can keep going,
Yah bless.
Spiritual knowledge is free,
but your kind donations are very much welcome as Yah leads. I have a-lot-more under construction (working to reach more people through YouTube videos & my next series of books), and with your support (no matter how little), I can keep going,
Yah bless.
Please Support
Do remember to check out the sister-website:
And the Facebook Group (Biblical-Nazarenes & Sigma Empaths) has been created for anyone who wishes to connect with like-minds, and who may also want to see the final part (Part-6) of the true story of life. Do well to join us if interested -
Yah bless
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